I’m going to be confirming or denying Intensify’s claim tonight.

yes, non-kill abilities only

role description says it’s a good chaos role in a rolemadness game

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well my vote’s probably staying on eli, i don’t have anyone else in mind unless someone’s got a case to throw at me

most stuff today has been townclears

Yup. I claimed nexus last game.

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Nexus is a role that redirects all visitors to them to a random person.

Mine doesn’t redirect kills, so I’m basically unhealable and unprotectable against attacks.

It’s like an ascetic but weirder


Tbh, a negative utility role wouldn’t necessarily be off course for this game, considering how most roles are weakened

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As of now, it’s literally negative utility unless there’s a scum Investigator…

Hey healers and protectives.
If yall want to choose someone to protect, please protect me tonight since Intensify cannot be protected.

And I’d rather be able to check Intensify… and have a good chance to confirm them… and to tell the tale.

Yes I know… but this is a wierd way to do negative utility.

negative utility town role implies town rolemadness if I’m understanding this right, at least in the case of the nexus
idk about the ninja sleepwalker, on the other hand. you guys have convinced me to doubt it more than I did before.

…if you target them, you’re going to je randomly redirected?
And i don’t think confirming nexus ability is particularly alignment indicative

if protectives are on you, and you check Intensify, mafia just kill Intensify to render your check useless tbh

I mean beguilers are a role but weh.

investigatives are usually told when redirected, right? not to whom, but that they were


I mean my ability really ain’t the most groundbreaking thing anyway.
Both of my checks thus far have been truthful with PR claims

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Who have you checked anyways

Cloned N1 (Due to scumread) - Non-Vanilla

GonZ N2 (Due to persistent scumread from D1-D2 and from wagons not really helping to clear) - Non-Vanilla.

I mean…

Technically I might be 3rd party so weh.

still means there are enough roles that do stuff that there would be a use for your role, even if it isnt neg utility for town

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wow its almost like windward saying u can be 3rd party is accurate?

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