no not that
it has something to do with stuff that i cannot say :tm:

Oh no are you another Neutral, that wins by slankposting

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I’m the one to blame for that lmao

you overestimate the town here

Not gonna discount the possibility tbh
I made somewhat of a mistake cause i thought cdecora was town and not neutral
But I also thought we’d at least resolve a slot overnight and I guess this counts as resolving a slot lol, cdecora would not have benefited us at all in LyLo

Probably better than scum leader I guess?

Let me live in the ideal world where town is good and doesn’t suck reee

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I just mistook their unwillingness to be town leader for just being honest about… well, not being a good town leader.
And mistakenly concluded that they were likely town, instead of “not scum”

cdecora technically didn’t lie…

We resolved a slot… which was their slot…

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Yep, and as I said, it saved us from misyeeting them in LyLo

I mean at MyLo they would just out and vote no exe

At the very least we didn’t vote town out at EoD which is where I thought we were headed
But I also thought that would happen with the rand and the RNG gods picked Aelin lol

I… never would’ve misyeeted them because I townread them.
But Intensify is right.

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Yeah but would you have trusted a neut claim at that point

No I mean scum can just no-exe as well and win

Same, I wasn’t going to vote cdecora but that’s because I was literally wrong on their alignment too

No exe doesn’t win scum the game in MyLo, does it? Thought that was LyLo.

Oh! I forgot to mention.
It seems my role is confirmed, yes.

Also, if people think I’m scum.
Do they truly believe that me finding a neutral who’s lying about being PR (As they appear as Vanilla to me) is so beneficial that it’s worth choosing that role for scum over say a neopolitan which basically gives scum more to hide behind?

Oh wait yeah nevermind
