Rephrase sentence I don’t understand

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
[Not Voting] an_gorta_pratai, PokemonKidRyan, EliThePsycho, EVO, Intensify, eevee, lol, WindwardAway, Tilgarial 9

EOD4 is at 2021-04-04T20:00:00Z.

Wait I’m voting PKR?

I never unvoted on PKR I think

/vote PKR harder

I’m still slightly drunk and I don’t think I read this entirely correctly
You’re asking if it’s feasible for a scum neapolitan cop to out a neutral?
Or you mean that scum would have to fake being a neapolitan when they aren’t, because cdecora shows up as vanilla and therefore nea doesn’t get a hit on them, so it’s risky for scum?

I don’t remember you ever saying you checked cdecora and only said the way they claimed seemed believable because of the lead up, which I also agreed with. So it’s kind of irrelevant…

I’m reading through the signup thread rn and I have to ask EVO about this post later


Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
PokemonKidRyan Intensify 1/5
[Not Voting] an_gorta_pratai, PokemonKidRyan, EliThePsycho, EVO, eevee, lol, WindwardAway, Tilgarial 8

EOD4 is at 2021-04-04T20:00:00Z.

For a moment I panicked wondering why the day was so short when I saw “EoD tomorrow 10:00 pm”

But then I realized “tomorrow” is Sunday as it’s 2 am on Saturday here already lol

Wierd question but can someone tell me what Light’s discord username is?


Correct me if I’m wrong but a good number of the LHF slots are resolved and gone now

nvm it’s Light ok me dumb

Lol I just went to check, oh well


PKR and Aelin never interacted in the signup thread… so that’s interesting…

btw is this angleshooting if I look at the signup thread?

Bruh the roles weren’t randed before the game thread was created


That’s completely NAI

1 Like


I’m looking at the first post of PKR’s ISO and I’m trying to figure if he knew the identity of Aelin as Light before the game…

This post basically tells us that PKR doesn’t know who Aelin was before the response unless it’s smol W/W theatre

See if PKR knew who Aelin was in the signup thread, this post incriminates him so hard as W/W theatre

Ohh. That’s actually a good point.
Well, how performative do you think it is?

Pretty sure Aelin signed up when her username was still Light but switched before the game started so idk
As well as switching her pfp
So I don’t want to look too much into that cause it might be angleshooting. I’m just stating facts here.

Maybe maybe not?

The point is PKR didn’t know who Aelin was