Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
EliThePsycho lol 1/5
PokemonKidRyan Intensify 1/5
[Not Voting] an_gorta_pratai, PokemonKidRyan, EliThePsycho, EVO, eevee, WindwardAway, Tilgarial 7

EOD4 is at 2021-04-04T20:00:00Z.

What are your own reads?

why would executioner claim nexus, though? that seems like a weird claim to make.

I’m not gonna jump the gun here till I have more information

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I’ve kinda stated my reads recently.
But I’m fluctuating on Wind and Eevee a bit because I’m getting deepwolf paranoia.
And since they’re like the “main leaders”
I’m worried.

I mean the only wolf hit we’ve gotten was via RNG.
We’ve otherwise had a town wagon… and a
Stupid antitown nolynch that led to a neutral winning.

Also… I was like almost certain I was going to die last night.
So I changed it up and checked someone I have believed is town.
Because I didn’t really doubt my read on them and I wanted to confirm it after the frustration that was yesterday.

I actually managed to narrow down the PoE to just 3 people
so I’m gonna look at those 3 slots today and see what I can do with them
do it the same way as I did with EVO/Intensify/lol and see what conclusions I reach, because I think 2/3 of my PoE should be wolves
and if I don’t conclude that there are 2 wolves, I have to restructure my PoE.

is there anyone else you’re considering might be a wolf besides Eevee and me? because I can tell you already that at least part of your paranoia is unnecessary (but not unwarranted), and I’d like to hear your thoughts a bit more, especially since Intensify is still pushing you to be today’s yeet.

actually I’m gonna widen my PoE to 4 players for now just to make sure I’m not missing something
gotta check stuff

I’m thinking Intensify is VI.
I think Tilgarial is still town.

I’ve been considering lol maybe being scum, but then it’s thinking who’s their partner…

I think EVO is likely town? But it might just be bias about our bouncing off each other so I will reevaluate at some point.

Gorta, no clue, unfortunately an inactive slot makes reading kinda impossible.

Eli I voted on yesterday and the fact the wagon just disappeared and we went to a nolynch really makes me paranoid too… but I’m trying to ignore it. Eli could just be LHF since they admitted low WiM.


@PokemonKidRyan are you serious with that whole rant post about voting neutral being bad? :^)

narrowed PoE back down to 3
I wasn’t missing anything

yes but we have a dead town watcher
does that change your view at all on Eli’s role?

did you mean the game was going to become mountainous, or that yeeting you would be mountainous?

If we had VOTED the neutral it might be more acceptable.
But noooo. We just had to nolynch which is so totally not “antitown” or anything.

No, we should just nolynch all game and let scum win because clearly nolynching is some sort of big brain bullshit according to yall

Hey Wind.
Important question - If Eli fakeclaimed, where did they get this claim from?

Ninja sleepwalker is not everyday choice for faking.

You know itwould end the same way, right?

I still feel like Eli’s claim was so obviously a joke if you literally READ THE POSTS ABOVE IT AND THE CLAIM.

No, it wouldn’t have.
At least a neutral evil wouldn’t have won.

Bare in mind how PRO neut I am.
And I’m furious that it won here.

Or, shocker we could’ve actually voted someone else.
You know instead of taking the cowards way out of nolynching.

Like omg, I know… that must be such a novel concept considering how much you and others pushed for us to nolynch.