I said I would’ve rather died than nolynched.
And you know what, I stick by that.
At least an anti-town neutral wouldn’t have won.

I have every right to be annoyed.
And I’m trying so hard not to erupt but my anger is getting the best of me.

I know. And that’s why I said earlier that I found his claim too weird to be fake.
he could come up with it as a fake claim but there aren’t many worlds in which he does.
he’s been low on activity and would have had to be filled in by the scumteam and figured out that a ninja sleepwalker would be a good claim specifically for faking out the vanilla cop because he’d show up as a PR and have an excuse for it.

but that’s just kind of outlandish imo and I’d rather towncore Eli considering that we did, in fact, have a town watcher
which in turn makes PKR’s claim less believable as a town role.

I totally believe PKR is a vanilla cop
I just don’t think it’s a town role at this point because of role balance
and my PoE is so incredibly narrow that I’ve probably solved the game by now; I just need to make a convincing case to explain my thoughts and why I think the scumteam is who I think it is.

I mean, it’s a shame because I know you’ve already gotten the scumteam completely wrong since I’m a focal point of your recent talks. How do yall not know how to read context?

Eli literally claimed in a jokey fashion at a specific time in which claims were meant to be false.

ah yes, we really want to vote out LHF town instead of letting a neut slot resolve itself…
the voting patterns were so incohesive that I decided the no exe was safest.
not because I was sheeping Eevee
and certainly not because I thought cdecora would literally win from that
but because I checked the voting patterns and saw we were either going to end up with another tie, or what looked to me like it would yeet a slot I read as town.
I placed my vote on no exe due to these reasons, went back quickly before the final minute, checked the vote progression, and concluded no exe really was the best option at that point because I wanted to sort my thoughts.

I had no idea GonZ was a watcher; I thought they had a completely different role, but flipping as watcher proved something to me that helped me narrow down the PoE.

ok, and if you’re so hellbent on insisting Eli is not, in fact, a ninja sleepwalker, did you check him? is he a PR or is he vanilla?

@an_gorta_pratai @lol @EVO @Tilgarial
I didn’t want to have to rely on yall but I will.

The odds are I’m dead today. And if not I almost always die tonight.
Please look into everything that has occurred today and yesterday.

I think we have had theatre. And I think we have a VI in the form of Intensify but I understand it could just as easily be scum acting like a village idiot. I wish yall the best of luck.

I’m getting frustrated so I need to take a breather from thread.

I’ve been hellbent on Eli not being a ninja sleepwalker since like Day 2?
And I revealed my check was Cloned.

And on Day 3.
When I revealed my check was GonZ.

Like, it’s ironic, isn’t it?
Mafia are killing after my checks.
Why would I reveal my information in thread and then kill my checks as a “Mafia vanilla cop”
Yall have some lapses in logic here smh

It’s very fucking clearly trying to frame the fuck outta me.

I’m not questioning your checks on the others.
I’m specifically questioning why you haven’t checked Eli despite trying multiple times to vote him out.

Because Eli could just as easily be a mafia PR.
Does it matter if I’ve checked them or not? I don’t think it does.
And to think that it does matter is a logical fallacy

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this was hypothetical. I was not saying that I was immediately agreeing with Intensify that you’re a wolf, PKR. I’ve been townleaning you for quite a while and you just jumped straight to defending yourself when the only vote on you is Intensify today.

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you’re wrong; it matters.
Eli’s claim, if he’s mafia, only makes sense if he knows there’s a watcher and he also knows he isn’t going to be caught doing anything.
Eli also claimed he didn’t see your vanilla cop claim.

Because Intensify voted me yesterday and I’m fucking pissed off about it because I think they’re either executioner or village idiot. And I know still that they could be scum pretending to be village idiot.

Which is just further infuriating me

It doesn’t change anything for me?
I’m not pro, but I’m not against.

They needed to be removed, and only decision was to let it win or to let it lose.


You know it removed person who was going to vote actively against town, right?

Sure, it wasn’t scum.

That’s what I said yesterday.
It’s worse lynch than scum.
But way better than misslynch.

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uh huh
nice backpedalling here. what exactly are you trying to accomplish? I’m extremely hard to misyeet as town and in fact also hard to yeet as a wolf. You’re going to have to kill me if you want me out of the game.

I looked like town for my reasoning and my wallpost
the only thing you got out of it was something between Eevee and me, and nothing on my reasons for my reads on lol, Intensify or EVO
and then you fucking rescind the townread because of “deepwolf paranoia” which you had set up even earlier in the game by saying you were tinfoiling me as a wolf.
that smells like a scum play to me.

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Uhhh, if they come up with claim like that, what leads them into that?
What leads them into that in a way that is not outlandish?

Wut, what else could you get from them?