btw are we allowed to talk about wording on the role cards of the players that have already flipped?

don’t be so defeatist, you got this lol

i think i don’t believe eli


or more specifically, what is it about his claim that you don’t believe?

you said it wasn’t deserved

so was gonz

the difference was that PKR had already checked GonZ and seen they were a PR

the claim

and he was poe

he didn’t check cdecora, and if for whatever reason he lied about it and did check them, he would’ve seen them as vanilla and possibly used that as a reason to push them for a yeet because lying about their role would imply they aren’t town.

idk how to explain it sorry i just came back from doing work head broken


the claim itself?
then I guess I’ll ask you the same question that eevee asked me: how do you think Eli would have come up with a ninja sleepwalker claim specifically?

This is a good line of thought.

Annnnnd you lost me.

Still reading up.

summarizing this:
PKR didn’t check cdecora
PKR checked GonZ as he said he did
harder to push GonZ as an ML if he outed his check already

by playing games here?
idk it’s probably a role that’s appeared before
i’ve never encountered it or whatever intensify is claiming so it’s out of my ballpark

I shouldve been more specific
if it’s between Eli and PKR I’d rather towncore Eli and yeet PKR
right now I’m still on the fence because I want PKR to answer more questions
and also Eli if he shows up again before EoD

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Bro. Like 2 people sus’d you. Chill. It’s just discussion.

well, Eli’s been playing maybe half a year longer than I have

pkr is definetly a townie imo he’s been pure and being pure

his reads are wrong but it’s because he’s salty

@PokemonKidRyan why do you townread tigrarial

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