if Eli is scum and the scumteam knows exactly which PRs the town has because they know which of the PRs already belong to them, it works out.
but idk who got the idea GonZ was our watcher, besides you?
by process of elimination, if I’d assumed town did have a watcher role, then yeah I should maybe have seen that. but I may have mixed GonZ up with cdecora yesterday lol.
you mentioned almost immediately after Eli’s ninja sleepwalker claim that his role would imply the existence of a watcher, if his claim was true
which would mean Eli is town
and it would also mean the neapolitan cop is a scum role to counterbalance the watcher, if I’m understanding correctly

Like ngl @WindwardAway I thought theirs role was very obvious the point when I asked them if they know what to do that night, right after talking about watcher, lmao.

It possibly even made them sacraficial lamb so our cop™ can get moar results.

Okay, what PRs can scum team have which would lead them to beliving that watcher exists?

It’s a shame that as town, I cannot kill.
Because trust me, I wish I was dead in this game.

With some town incompetent enough to nolynch which is severely antitown.

And then a “magical reevaluation” making me scum in a fantasy world

yeah I purposely ignored when you asked that tbh
was hoping GonZ wouldn’t be targeted but that was my mistake in thinking cdecora wouldn’t literally win and leave the game
meaning that the only feasible night kills would’ve been PKR or GonZ, if both are town
and if scum wanted to nerf the vanilla cop they would’ve killed Intensify.

I know Eevee can do what he’s doing as either alignment
I’m not ignoring his slot
but I’m weighing my options right now and for whatever reason you’re being extremely dramatic when there’s like… one person voting you (Intensify) and I’m trying to solve your slot instead of just yeeting you off the face of the earth before I do so.

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Obviously the PR of me is one of the scum which could’ve led my team to believing watcher exists. It’s not difficult.

Are you more mad about reevaluation or more about no lynch?

Cause I still don’t think removing anti town neutral was bad choice.

scum could have a full rolecop, which would be a bit weird considering there’s a vanilla cop claim (as an unknown alignment, let’s say) which does half the job already

scum could have a tracker and happened to have tracked the watcher

scum could have a vanilla cop that knows at the very least that the watcher is some sort of PR, but if the ninja sleepwalker doesn’t exist and is a fake claim, they wouldn’t necessarily guess there’s a watcher.

if Eli is town, the watcher’s role is only obvious if the vanilla cop is scum and can TMI the ninja sleepwalker claim as town… and if Eli gets TMI’d as town, his claim is real because there’s no way a VT would claim ninja sleepwalker. the town watcher would just ignore the slot either way.

And I don’t really see how anyone can think removing anti-town is bad choice to begin with, lmao.


That wasn’t question to you.
And… I’m not even dealing with whole “PKR is sus” drama.

Please don’t pull me into it and stop being dramatic.
It’s mafia game, it’s natural people suspect each other, lmao.

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I’m pretty indifferent to cdecora’s win. shrug
good for them, and maybe they got lucky because the town was so indecisive on the vote tbh
but their slot was a sitting duck, and a PR sitting duck. in the best case we would’ve let them continue to sit here and either absorb a hit in place of the watcher, or they’d continue to be ML bait. The more days they vote no exe, the more likely they themselves would get voted instead.

and cdecora was sitting in the PoE so I don’t think the chances of them absorbing a night kill were very high tbh

Rolecop checks neutral.
Neutral rolecard straightforward says it shows as vanilla to vanilla cop.
Result - … weird?

And that… doesn’t really help in this claim?


Windward, let’s be realistic, scum would know watcher exists IF they have stuff like ninja themself.
Which, if 1-shot, was used to kill cheese.

To be more exact - Eli is not lying about ninja part.
But I don’t think it helps you narrow down theirs aligment per se.

They promised to claim d4 anyway tbh.
Which would make them NOT absorb the hit.

And even more likely to be executed.

Ehhh… it’s fine.

yes so they just ignore cdecora’s slot and probably assume it’s a VT slot if checked, not a priority NK target
if they don’t check they just assume it’s a safe misyeet because it’s… not scum

well, that’s my point
it was a very weak case. i was just stating whatever I could possibly think of and that was one of them.

scum vanilla cop checks town watcher, sees PR
town ninja sleepwalker claims ninja sleepwalker
scum team assumes last town PR is watcher


scum vanilla cop checks town watcher, sees PR
scum claims ninja sleepwalker, I have no idea why
how the fuck do they know there’s a watcher

they can only know there’s a watcher if they know there’s a ninja sleepwalker
meaning that the ninja sleepwalker would have to be an actual scum role and not fake
so if scum ninja sleepwalker claims ninja sleepwalker
scum already knows there’s a watcher in play
ninja sleepwalker literally carries out all the night kills because of being a ninja
vanilla cop has to be town to counterbalance it

but why does a scum sleepwalker ever exist? that’s just extremely detrimental to scum (without the ninja part).

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ninja yes
but where does the sleepwalker part come in? why would scum have a ninja sleepwalker and not just a ninja?
in which case the ninja would simply not claim. the ninja could claim any other role that would show up as unwatchable but a PR if the vanilla cop is town.

does it come naturally to Eli to specifically claim ninja sleepwalker, thereby risking outing himself as a ninja, because there is a vanilla cop whose claim he hadn’t even seen?

since I made that way more convoluted than it needed to be:

the vanilla cop and the ninja sleepwalker are not aligned in most cases
vanilla cop is town if ninja sleepwalker is at least partially a fake claim, because a scum role being exactly ninja sleepwalker doesn’t seem plausible

scum claiming ninja sleepwalker only knows to fake claim role this if:

  1. they’re actually a ninja, and therefore know there’s a town watcher
  2. they have a full rolecop who found the town watcher

but it just seems too specific.

I have more questions to fire at people later, btw
gonna wait till they start coming back