how is that not w/w?

this is actually something I’ve been wondering about.
If we don’t have another neut and we have 3 wolves, the game could end anywhere between D5 and D7 by my calculations
but I thought since we had a neut already we’d only have 3 wolves, and I didn’t actually calculate how it would go if there are 4 wolves because it didn’t occur to me till I was catching up just now and reading the discussion lol

because Aelin goes from pushing Eli to calling him town the next day, which is weird as hell

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it’s too weird
when do two wolves ever vote immediately after each other and then nitpick about it to create some sort of awkward theatre? I mean, I get that it’s possible, but I don’t think I’d call it plausible betweel Aelin and Eli.

oh I don’t think I looked at her D2 reads
gonna check that actually, thanks

I pointed this out yesterday and I’m sure you said something then as well

tbh the wolf/wolf interaction there would have been more something like:
Eli sheeping aelin, aelin turning around to call eli’s sheeping weird to keep distance
than them both deciding they wanna see PKR dead together.
keep in mind, it was D1, so no prior talking for mafia, no coordinating
they didn’t know what was going on with each other’s behaviour

maybe I did, but I was also partly distracted and don’t remember what I said about it
I didn’t think Eli was a wolf yesterday, either, though

oh do you guys not usually have mafia day chats…?

Y’all just disappoint me for that no exe yesterday, but I’m going to go spend time with family. I’ll look at PKR when I get back

…day chat?

whelp. that’s an entirely different thing to consider

the standard on FoL is that mafia have a 24/7 chat together, so I just assumed it applied to this game because I don’t recall seeing anything in the OP that stated mafia could only chat at night

but if you’re saying that NUF only has mafia night chat then I actually have no clue what to do with that Aelin/Eli interaction tbh

standard NUF is night chat only; I’ve only seen like 2-3 with a day chat.
I’ve been opperating under the premise that any mafia plan needed to be planned out during night, lol

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while it’s called standard NUF, it’s still here. so we basically don’t know either way?
it is a closed setup…

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btw, the reason I’m saying it’s TMI now (and kind of embarrassed I didn’t notice this earlier) is because of the 3 games I wolfed in, Aelin was only in one of them, so actually her justification of catching me easily as a wolf by my interactions holds very little weight because the sample size was just 1 game lol.


oof, ok
I guess either way is possible and now I have to reconsider a number of things

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me too, though from the other side…

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it would be easier to tell if we knew for certain who at least one other wolf was lol.