You’re not opposed to GonZ?

nah, my opinion’s been waffling on him. I thought earlier that he wasn’t nearly as scummy as someone (I forget who) said he was, but I started doubting my read a bit later.
that being said, I wouldn’t personally vote him out today, but I don’t think I have a reason to defend him against a yeet, either.

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second to evo i’d probably want to wagon eevee the second most
maybe aelin third

Against wagoning:
Tilgarial (hehehe…)

Priority wagons:

Would not oppose wagon on:
Cloned cheese

For the rest, i need to double check before joining the wagon

what the fuck

vote eevee thanks

we lynch eevee then marl and find the rest in due time

wow something im known for
theres no downside to sheeping if you know how to do it, mafia is a team game and if theres 20 people with different opinions odds are the ones who will get the biggest say is mafia since they already agree with eachother based on their wincon

to explain my sheep on windward, i asked them and was upfront about their read on marl, since they said they can read him off 4 posts or something
so i said that i would push them if they are wrong to test their confidence and if its not a bus, im sure they can work it out if windward is actually wrong and they can explain their read to me why marl is town later
they seem confident and no one said ‘‘no windward can’t read marl’’ so i see no downside to sheeping here


so you think you’re wrong? why did you say you can read marl 100% correctly then?

the only thing im confused about is how there’s any confusion to begin with

the opposite is true
the more someone doesn’t make sense the townier they are

which would make me good scum since i’ve convinced multiple people im too bad to be scum

i think there hasn’t been anything that should make him towny or scummy

it’s nai

people sometimes dont read
i do it often

Oh I meant that sometimes people say having confident reads early in the game is a scummy thing to do. And in a lot of my games I wasnt at all confident in my D1 reads because they were wrong more often than not. But playing more often obviously increased by accuracy rate and I’m less worried about whether I’m right or not when I put out early reads now. But that’s something I’ve worked on in later games, and while I think I’ve been pretty forward lately with my early reads, I randed scum in the last 3 games so I’m not sure whether or not my read confidence levels are warranted or not. I haven’t played as town in about two months, although I’ve been speccing other games and making reads in order to improve.

That being said, I’m not dropping my read on Marl just yet, but I’m giving him some breathing room to see if I can gauge where his thoughts are at.

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yes and no

if I can’t follow their thought processes, however wild they are, then I consider it scummy.
if they have what I think is a bad read, and they have a terribly messy train of thought, but I can at least follow how they arrived at their read, they can be town.
if they have what I think is a good read, and they give reasons that don’t really delve beyond the reasons already given by others, they can be scum.

Not saying it’s 100% always like this, but I look for patterns in reading games and try to make reads in ways that I think have previously resulted in my most accurate reads. And at the point where I was convinced all my reads were shit, I tried to change the way I read people by using different approaches.

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those were just examples btw
my point being that I don’t really care whether the reads themselves are something I agree with

uh to add to what you were saying earlier, btw:

I wasn’t worried about this because I’ve talked myself out of being ML’d every single time I’ve been incorrectly SR’d as town. Doesn’t mean I won’t eventually get ML’d but I’m confident in my abilities to present myself as town and defend myself if it comes to that.

evo is completely null

people seem shocked that he told the playerlist to suck his dick but there’s nothing scummy in the sentiment of ‘‘im not gonna force myself to play the game’’

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to add onto everything i dont have a read on you btw
i think someone asked if i townread you and i dont i just like not having to read someone i dont have to