PKR, you know past 5 posts were answers (and usually trying to give “helpful” meta insights) to new people around, right?


didnt get the serious mood going on rn

Looks like my first homework is to reread the intense vote… (pun intended)


howdy min!

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I’m gonna throw hands. I’m not doing it as a “motivated” thing to be friendly and be liked.

I’m trying to answer questions and interact without any prejudice and I know there’s people that don’t know how things are here, so need things to be known.

I probably wouldn’t spend time analyzing that…

Cause Cloned 100% voted me for memes and there’s nothing AI or notable to get out of the vote.

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probably cold take coming into thread: eevee pkr not w/w

intensify weren’t you scum in the game I yelled at you about looking performative in lol


do not

Which game

Joat game

If you want to do it and you want to explain how people are here and do what I’ve been doing eevee, then you can go ahead.

But like, stop on at me.
If you want to keep misinterpreting these things we’re not going to be able to see eye to eye in this game and it will be potentially problematic.

I’m fine with stopping doing this if someone else steps up to do it, like you.
Instead of you being so focused with “seriousness” and basically ignoring getting people up to speed.

So you are gonna tell them who to scumread and townread and for what reason, cause they dont know this sites meta?

yes you literally called out the scum team before you died and then we all forgot about it
i brought it up the next day and also forgot about it afterwards lmao



They can learn how to make the reads themselves too.
But like, I can guide and say how things are from my own experience.
Since they don’t have the experience prior.

I don’t see what’s so difficult or controversial about this.

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Maybe not, but i tend to use meta reasoning as my base judgement. So i still need to get a feel of each person’s personality a bit.

what is this response

it seems weirdly offended

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it’s just intensify being a cat loaf


Tbh I completely forgot what we were talking about and what point we were trying to make.


too bad theres no butter

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To bring things out of that again a bit:
Do you have any opinions formed on anybody yet?
I know it’s early, but early reads can be useful later in game too.

And @eevee should agree that even if PKR is sus, getting his opinions could be useful, even in an indirect way, while also giving more data to read him on?