Search the post around the time i voted evo.
Basically i questioned evo, and he just bounced it back and didnt read my follow up.

i’d hop on eevee

or cdecora as a wild guess

I remember you asking something but I also remember ignoring it lmao

do not want cdecora today

that’s a slot i wouldn’t mind being solved mechanically

alternatively we pressure them into posting more tomorrow


live life a little

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Just to make sure, there’s still 2 hours something remaining before EOD?
I did check the timer, but secondguessing/making sure and stuff

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2 hours aye
i know windward is catching up now from my horde of liked posts


No U

jokes on you
i did

Idk how I read EVO but I individually townread Eli, Marl and Tilgarial so I’m thinking the wagon feels fairly pure. Aelin and GonZ aren’t necessarily scumreads but the others are stronger.

Whereas here I don’t have a “strong” townread on any of the voters.
I think this could be scum motivated but I need to dive the individual wagons

Especially since if it’s formed to save EVO, it’d throw suspicion on EVO and I need to see if that’s fair or not.


EVO is formed to save marl

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Well yes but actually no

I had a headache and felt like crap for most of the day tbh but took a nap and now I’m back!

roger that!

these are good points

I’ve never played with Tilga before, although I remember reading an old game at some point they were in. But I don’t remember anything from it or even which game it was lol.

do I have to type this again smh
at this point I just want to call it gut
and I’m well aware he’s capable of worming himself out of it even as scum, so I’ve just been on high alert and pretty paranoid which obviously resulted in tunnelling him for the better portion of today
but I didn’t like his early reads and something pinged me as off about them
his later posts just sort of reinforced my gut feeling that he’s probably a wolf and did nothing to make me think otherwise, and at some point he sort of gave up trying to change my opinion
but I’ve been trying to solve the other slots since then and let Marl do his thing to see if my opinion of him changes… it hasn’t so far but it’s not the end of the world if I’m dead certain he’s scum and I also end up being dead wrong. Would be the first time I do that to Marl but not the first time in general.

there are definitely better things you can do than just self-vote and roll over and die here
that kinda goes as either alignment, but definitely as town

how fast did I clear you? I can unclear you pretty quickly, too, but I unironically think your entrance to the thread was >rand town.

oh he definitely memed at the start of the game lol
might not have come across as such to those who aren’t familiar with FoL memes, though.

I’m late to the party and my opinion somewhat doesn’t count since I’m commenting on this so late :sweat_smile: unless you count what I wrote above in response to Marl’s reaction to your “can be wagoned” list.
With the exception of myself I think all 4 of the others were already in the category where I don’t care if they end up getting voted out, but I’m less for yeeting Eli out of all of them. Not sure about GonZ; I want to say he seems like a townlean but I’m not totally convinced yet. EVO’s somewhere in the middle, and as evidenced by my death tunnel the entire day, Marl’s still yeet priority imo. But what I found more interesting is, as Marl pointed out, that you put both PKR and Eevee on your “do not yeet” list. I don’t think it’s weird to TR both of them, considering that I thought their interaction looked more T/T than T/W or W/W, but I’m also not strongly opposed to yeeting them and wouldn’t really defend them if it came to that. I gave my reasons earlier, but to summarize, I think Eevee did a slightly towny thing by asking me whom to sheep, and then following up with reasoning that if cdecora didn’t want to lead us, we shouldn’t follow them. As for PKR, I wolfed recently with him and he’s just not really doing anything here I’d consider wolfy from him. But I also think I could be wrong on either or both of them, and that margin of error is what prevents me from defending them from a potential yeet.

those were my thoughts yesterday when Marl said he stopped caring about the game because I was too confbiased tbh
which, yes, could also be me reading this with confbias, but on the other hand that was a reaction I haven’t seen from him before in a game where we’re both town.
his current reaction, though, looks a bit more similar to a recent reaction to being SR’d as town.
the thing is that I’d be fine with not yeeting Marl today, but I’m slightly worried that he isn’t town and also isn’t vanilla, and plans on doing something in the night that will mechanically clear him for incorrect reasons.

why can’t you die today? you acted like you gave up and were fine with rolling over and dying earlier, and now you suddenly don’t want to?
I mean, if you’re town, sure that’s a good thing
but I recall Intensify also did that as scum king in SFoL 65 so it’s basically NAI

what bothers me is that you’re so focused on me
you know I tunnel people
and you know I don’t usually tunnel you
so what’s this?

…and there go my likes again


I would’ve put that in spoilers but the last 3 or so times I’ve put a wallpost in spoilers nobody read it kek

SFOL65 was fun

Reee why must you trigger my PTSD of being policy lynched day 1

I’ve only played a single game on this site, and it ended before i got there. Rakugan something something, if I remember correctly. It must’ve been over a year ago or so, though, because I got the badge for being on this site for a year while playing this game.

As for why you’re in my yeet list - I don’t town lean you, and your posts on marl made things somehow controversial for me.
That + no town lean/read = I’m not defending you if people decide to yeet you.
On the other hand, I don’t exactly sus you either, though
But I’ve mainly written that off as over suspicious paranoia by now, so eh

Isn’t that the lying darkness game

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