the only scenario where mafia wouldn’t want marl going through instead of evo is if evo was exactly power role and they were thinking that, since marl already claimed citizen a while before eod

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Tbh partly because Marl said once he flips we should be revising our readlists, and partly because all I did on D1 was tunnel him into the dirt.

I think both Min and Marl were more concerned about it than I was tbh, but lol is in my PoE for today so I am taking it into account more than I was previously.

Yes, and that there wasn’t much resistance to a Marl wagon.

That’s fair. Since I was ISOing I wasn’t paying attention to post count tbh.


Monitoring was for lack of a better word. I just meant they didn’t have a strong read on you but asked a couple questions to gauge you.

Ah, ok. But you didn’t express any particularly strong reads, either, which in turn makes it easier to follow the consensus if you choose to, if you’re a wolf. So I guess that would have been part of the reasoning.

Some aren’t, but basically the only people anyone was looking at by the end of yesterday were Marl and EVO, Marl is dead town, and there are probably three wolves so even if EVO is a wolf it leaves us with two.
The other thing that comes to mind is whether or not Min was protecting any slots, but the only clear townread they expressed was on Cloned (in contrast to Marl’s read on him).

Me? Nah, I thought I’d be right for the better portion of the day, and at the end paranoia got the better of me because I was so incredibly confbiased. Normal thing for me, but you don’t need to care about my self-meta.

Oh never mind then lol
But as I said, it’s mainly cause Marl and min both disliked that you said you’d push me if Marl flips town. I went with it because I know I’m town, I did not know Marl was town, and I’m pretty confident I can prove myself as town today.

Marl had been strongly scumreading min, though. He only took my word for min probably being town and still continued to suspect them toward EoD from what I could tell, but had them as a no yeet because I said so. So imo min could still have been set up as a yeet today, but they’re just kind of hard to ML as town from what I remember, and that would mean one of the scum recognized that already.

Yeah, Gorta is well within his town meta right now and his opening post complaining that nobody told him the game started is extremely towny tbh. Someone would’ve pinged him in scumchat, and I’m fairly sure it’s not a fake derp because he simply wouldn’t have complained about not knowing the day started, regardless of when he showed up to the thread.

Bruh I wrote my defense specifically so I wouldn’t have to do it rn. I have an exam tomorrow lol, I don’t want to waste time.

Was EVO the smaller wagon, though? He overtook Marl’s wagon at some point. It was the later forming wagon but it wasn’t much smaller until some of the people on EVO decided to move to Marl even after the tie was already broken. Admittedly I think it would be a bit weird for wolves to shift specifically from EVO to Marl after Eli’s vote (?) broke the tie between the wagons.

Yeah he was, and I have him as a scumlean. Also I know his opener today could’ve been written by town, but I’ve seen him make similar posts as scum as well and in this particular case I think it’s scummy. I don’t think I can fault him for low activity but the way he just posted an apology to Marl and dipped is reminiscent of how he posted yesterday that Marl was probably not scum and then dipped, without actually doing anything to defend his belief that Marl was town.

I thought the same, but on the other hand it’s a weekend and I’m not faulting people for their activity (although I think faulting people for being hypocrites is probably acceptable at this point).

It was something like 3 or 4 town games and 3 or 4 scum games including what I’ve played with him and what I’ve specced uninformed. But I fell into the same trap as he did when he thought he had a 100% read rate on me and I wolfed against him, hence I said in my post that this was slightly less embarrassing.

lol im blind
nvm then


you’re actually right ignore it then
in that case reverse the logic, people who jumped on evo early are towny i agree

ok then this sounds like you just cocky as shit at the beggining, if it was like 3 or 4 games i would push you in a heartbeat
sheeping @Marluxion if he is wrong he deserved to be lynched
fight me
oh wait you can’t you’re dead


also partially because fuck reading that iso

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Guess this was my thought on it ^
But yeah, you said if the wolves thought EVO was a PR? that’s exactly the reason I didn’t want to vote him yesterday. I don’t know if he’s a PR or not and I don’t expect him to out himself if he is, but by his behavior earlier in the day yesterday I thought he might be one. So if I picked up on it, it’s possible the wolves did.

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im assuming 4 mafia so placing pkr/eevee/eli/intensify as my guess for d2
last 2 are blind guesses from poe

they clearly didn’t because no one went ‘‘marl is being kinda towny im jumping to evo’’ either that or he’s mafia but i feel much more confident looking into eevee/pkr today

Well, at any rate I want EVO to say his piece, once people are active as he wanted
I have a feeling that’ll give us some insight.

Aelin did, actually

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im more blinder than i thought

Eh I’m just very thorough with reading and have a good memory

I also take notes

Also Aelin is good at reading between the lines, but this would be an argument for a wolf!Aelin world and not a town!Aelin world because judging by her vote, if she thought EVO was a PR she wanted him out.

i feel like they would be more agressive though they said why they think evo is the better choice i said no and they left angrily

I still don’t particularly think Aelin was as wolfy as others thought, but I have to look into her ISO again at some point later. I know there were a couple things that were potentially kind of wolfy, but I don’t remember thinking that they were beyond her townrange. I think I mightve missed a couple of her posts at some point when Discourse wasn’t loading properly, though, so I’ll backread when I have the time.

lol, I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt although I really don’t think you deserve it… at all.

Let’s say you genuinely read me as a team with EVO. Why are you wagoning me over EVO? Just feels a bit off and as if you’re trying to save EVO by doing this.

Also if you want to call BS on me, I can prove everything. Including that my charger for my laptop is broken and the timestamps for when messages were done. Like, ya boi needs to sleep. I do regret not being up but I can’t help it.

Also even if I placed my vote what difference would it have made? Suddenly would the 6 person wagon have not won? Hmm? Don’t try and throw any responsibility onto me when you know it’s not my fault. There’s 6 people on the wagon to look at.

Try me, dear~

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
EVO Intensify, EliThePsycho 2/7
PokemonKidRyan lol 1/7
WindwardAway clonedcheese 1/7
[No Exe] cdecora 1/7
[Not Voting] PokemonKidRyan, eevee, WindwardAway, EVO, Aelin, GonZ, Tilgarial, an_gorta_pratai 8

EOD2 is at 2021-03-29T19:50:00Z.

Somewhat, yes
I think somebody voted no exe rather early on and then switched at some point
I don’t remember who exactly that was, but in that case it’s basically like “my vote is somewhere” instead of a genuine wish for no exe, at least that’s how I see it
On the other hand, decora voted no exe and stayed on no exe the entire day.
That carries the same sus for me, yes

that was EVO


Wind’s probably town and I still think Tilgarial is town too.

I know this is going to look like OMGUS but I feel like lol is setting up for me to be lynched after EVO so it’s not just a total loss since people already partly blame me for the Marl lynch despite the fact my vote wouldn’t have been enough to save Marl so it’s invalid.

If we lynch EVO (Which we should) and they flip scum. Then I’m looking at lol tomorrow along with some others.

I’m half wanting to ask someone to claim. But I don’t know whether or not to lol. I feel like cloned flavour wise is just vanilla, basic, not standing out much. Whereas I’m vanilla, strawberry and chocolate. Much more bountiful (Sorry for the roast)