Ya wanna push that?

Go ahead feel free be my guest.

Things wrong with people voting me:

Problem 1 with the accuser - he claims that “intensify’s practically openwolfing”. Then why do you need to feel the need to out a redcheck?

This is actually acceptable from PKR
but PKR, please note that your info is practically useless in determining my alignment ._.
if I am a powerful town PR, I may not want to reveal that

explained this before
somehow scumreads both EVO And PKR, yet votes me

no effort to evaluate validity

For some reason starts theorycrafting

Again, little effort to debate the validity of the claim from the top wagon

No it’s not, EVO is not a fucking cop to begin with.

Nothing indicating it day 1.
Day 2 claim on group to apply pressure and only after thread was heavilly against them.
Not picking up conflict with PKR.

EVO is not a cop.
Rather opposite - play perfectly to the point where they want to get reaction from people.

regardless of whether I am PR or not
why does that influence my alignment
as both VT and a PR, I do not want to reveal that I am one or the other


I mean I don’t know why a Cop would need to soft day 1… for some reason.

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Then are you going to claim an investigative role?
If no one else claims anymore investigative role, i will obviously lean toward their claim being true.

/vote EVO @Zone_Q11

this is hideous

>= 1 scum in the people that jumped on my wagon extremely fast

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eevee since you’re here can you show me the d1 non-cop softs i’m really bad at those

i can understand d2 when pkr started going apeshit evo’s reaction was kinda odd but where are the softs d1?

Isn’t a Mafia team usually more likely to have PRs or am I just stupid.


…why would you trust claims based on the lack of counterclaims in a closed setup

I don’t think outing more PR’s is the right way to go

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EVO was on L-1 and direct lynch threat on day 1.

Today they were lynch topic, but not decided, yet claimed right away.

you’re just stupid
there’s no reason for you to believe that in a closed setup

I mean I guess?

That’s fair…

since theres a neopolitan there’s probably a goon to throw town off

Ok Welp shrug.

That’s my natural assumption, I haven’t played enough closed setups with VTs other than HPFM, which had an entire mafia team with all PRs if I remember correctly.

y’all need to evaluate people’s claims before you trust them
some of y’all are idiots and some of y’all are scum, can’t tell the difference right now


Honestly, this game went astray way too fast.
Think twice next time before doing shit like that.

Cloned, if you know EVO is lying, why do you claim into theirs bait? Seriously?
And Marl basiclly throwing is way over the top.

cloned you might as well claim since atleast from my pov its a 1 for 1 and a cop is more trustworthy than an unknown pr

I think PKR is right and EVO is probably not vanilla
So uh, mafia PR?

I fall under the idiot category but I made some lightning reads while walking home, which leave me with:

EVO scum
PKR town
Eevee town
Cloned town
Intensify scum
lol scum?

Idk what the vote count is at but there are a lot of votes on Cloned