If you aren’t helping town find mafia, then you are not helping town win the game, meaning your motivation could be anti-town, i.e. mafia

This sentence is correct.

Yet somehow your previous ones weren’t.

I will leave this riddle to you.

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Oh god oh fuck

time to have a mid-game crisis



Am I alone in not understanding what he is critiquing?

This whole thing is starting to feel like a dodge from my FoS tbh

he’s (probably?) critiquing that speculating on the game setup itself helps to solve the game by narrowing down the possible roles and determining which of the PR claims are unrealistic, and therefore does not count as “not making reads”

but it’s still not directly stating reads on players

if eevee is town here he has the highest chance of correctly solving the game imo, but i think only eevee knows what eevee is thinking because i am not good at reading between the lines for eevee opinions

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(I may have also completely misrepresented what he was trying to say, in which case I give up)

They’re just… doing Eevee stuff…

I don’t oppose their lynch tbh… they’re a low townlean… but at the same time I wouldn’t highly advocate for their execution.

I’m not gonna btw.

considering you asked me earlier whom to sheep, i can’t say i’m surprised

I’m kinda curious whaz you think about the 5 (?) PR claims we have, and how that impacts your views on the mech, tbh

And in an extension of that, maybe some sort of evaluation on the claims themself?

Not on mech, but setup*

Cdecora could be predicted one.
One which benefits from 2-shot doctor existing.
Cause like… what causes no-lynch in game like this?
1 doctor save.
This way there is benefit in case doctor gets only one save out of theirs 2 shots.

As per rest…

I will refuse to comment due to resons.

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Well… okay then
I was mainly asking because the sheer number was a bit of a deviation from what you originally theorized.
I’m also suspecting a mafia could have snuck in a false claim, due to how… vague some/most were, despite being obvious PR claims, in what was basically a mass claim event
Not saying they should reveal more, because that’s just gonna make the kill-order for mafia easier, but yanno, exactly that is also why town needs to evaluate that stuff seriously

You are wrong tbh.

Well, maybe if you count red heirring as role for balance reasons, which I don’t, as it technicly doesn’t have action.


Hmm, okay then. I guess i misunderstood that?
Well, I was at least surprised at the number

On to a different matter, then
What do you think about those that haven’t claimed?

Same reasons actually.

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Anything game-wise you’d want to comment on in general…?

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I remember Eli being frozen when I was a wolf with him, but I think that meta is likely unreliable as I have seen him unfrozen as a wolf

so you are more than a neopolitan?

what history do we have?