Why did you give them a gun then


I also fault them
my point was just that it’s an opinion since I believe lol expressed the opposite opinion


To see who would look nervous

It’s like peer pressure. Or any social pressure. Yeah someone caused it to happen, but it is still a choice

if you give someone a gun, you’re practically guaranteed to find out two alignments
the person who fired the shot, and the person they shot

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Less ‘Caused it’ and more led momentum into it

EVO, just saying.

If you consider that I’m the only one who didn’t fall for it at all, you can push it as TMI in case on me.

It’s NAI considering you were absent during it lol

You clamied it was fake AFTER I came out and told everyone they play weirdly if they believed it.

But… sure I guess.
I don’t mind you having less arguments against me tbh :^)

After PKR had claimed cop I heavy signaled to back off as I wasn’t being real, you just happened to pick up on it unlike a lot of others

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I picked it up the moment you listed GROUP of people actually.

Bit earlier.
Still probably too late.

Simlar as to what happened in mad god eevee in Pokemon FM.
I broke setup as hidden multiball, which noone expected way before anyone else and way past where I should’ve figured it out.

People still called me crazy and yet 100% correct :^)
I like that opinion about me tbh.

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Well if that is true then how would i have known that to scumtell you with TMI

I only see what you post :wink:


I couldn’t post back then yet.

On the other hand it was my main argument when I said why it’s fake.

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You kinda made me regain hope in the thread again tbh.

I knew Wind picked up on it but boy were they staying quiet. I am unsure as to whether or not I respect that they kept my play on the downlow or to feel like they were apathetic

I’ve gotten to the point where I realize blurting every small thing I notice is both a way of obvtowning myself to death and ruining RTs that don’t involve me


I heavily respect that

Trust in the RT :smiling_imp:

It’s a great way to get two town killed as a result

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(if I’m in a mason chat, though, I blurt it in the mason chat instead lol)

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