I didn’t pay attention to when PKR signed up and don’t intend to tbh

But I’ll look at that part at the start of the game that you pointed out

I am trying to figure out what’s wrong with my readlist
The LHFs are resolved so that’s no longer an issue
Paranoia is telling me there’s probably a powerwolf and/or a deepwolf
And I still have a suspicion on someone but I want to write out a proper case first on them because I can already tell it’s going to be very hard to convince people of this

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Post 17 to 23

Here is where the interaction first began.
Now post 17 began at 5:16 PM (for me, Canadian times) and post 23 ended at 5:18 PM

Now in post 17, PKR doesn’t know who Aelin is, and calls her new. Aelin responds to PKR in about 1 minute that she’s not new (but the important detail here is that Aelin does not mention that she is Light.). Look at PKR’s respond


My question is… if PKR didn’t know who Aelin was and knew she was new… how the hell does PKR know that Aelin is Light right afterwards within the span of 30 seconds or less…

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That’s a really good question

The natural response here is more or so “oh who are you?” or something along the lines of that when met with the statement “lol I’m not new PKR”

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I’m thinking this is W/W,

Unlikely planned out, but still really weird.

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Ok, so min and Marl expressed having trouble reading Aelin due to tonal change

Has PKR expressed anything of the sort? Did he have any difficulty reading Aelin or did he give a read on her at all?

Not sure what read PKR had on Aelin, I have to look at PKR’s ISO later, but I think Aelin’s treatment of PKR in her ISO is wierd and W/W for me.

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Ok, I’m gonna keep that in mind and look through ISOs again later.

Youd think I’d remember since I went through Aelins ISO a couple times already but nothing about PKR is sticking in my memory

There’s a thing called clicking on someone’s profile and seeing a discord name :slight_smile:


There is something I saw PKR do already today that I think is questionable, but I’m giving it the benefit of the doubt for a bit until I look back on stuff and read up.


Frick I guess that makes sense

But still it’s odd to me

Why didn’t I remember that

I assumed she was new because I’d never heard of Aelin before.
So I said my first post.

When she then said that she’s not new.
I thought “Fuck me” and clicked the thing.

I don’t exactly see what’s odd? It kinda was just logical step by step for me.

Alright… but I still think there’s some wierd play there, intentional or not.

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This is the only post I found from PKR giving a read on Aelin

I’m too tired to look for Aelins read on PKR

Bruh I find that slightly not believable

Anyway imma go to sleep now but I’ll give it more thought when I wake up

You know I really wish there was a in thread search function so I could quote posts Aelin is responding to faster

I tried and failed to find an efficient way to filter posts here