Holy shit I think I’m onto something
I’ll post it tomorrow though

not very efficient but still

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Too bad you can’t use the search feature in tandem with an ISO
the search function just cancelled out the ISO when I tried



or just use Control + F i think it was

wait nvm fol decided to replace it

it’s CTRL + G

I heard Alt + F4 also works

of course CTRL + G doesn’t work with the whole thread because discourse doesn’t load everything at onc

Ahhh ok

Friendship started with ISO and ends with “search in this topic”


I think I fixed my readlist now
Gonna sleep on it and come back with reads and reasoning
But I feel slightly better about my PoE now

You should probably write it down in a notepad before you forget it

Oh I already did

Go to sleep then nerb

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Also yeah there’s definitely something off about PKR’s explanation that he didn’t know at all who Aelin was

The weirdest thing about PKR’s ISO in relation to Aelin is not that he only mentioned in a very roundabout way that she was maybe sort of scummy but less scummy than other slots, but that he didn’t comment at all on her change of tone or that it made her slot difficult to read. He just mentioned her once and… that’s all.

And they were never around at the same time during EoD.

Like once he figured out Aelin was Light, he should’ve had an easier time at least commenting on her slot

You know I was expecting a little more, maybe like scumcasing 2 deepwolves using the scientific method and the power of physics and chemistry or some crap like that


But I will keep that in mind

I was thinking PKR claiming vanilla cop to counter EVO during the RT was towny because it’s risky for scum to stick their neck out to ML town doing an RT, but if PKR is scum who legitimately thought EVO was a cop, sacrificing a mafia vanilla cop in exchange for a town alignment cop is actually perfectly fine for the wolves