Exactly, I had the same assumption until Tilgarial slipped. NUF only has night chat as a standard and I didn’t realize till Tilga mentioned it.

Wait, so do we have day and night maf chat? Or is it just day?

*Just night

I mean, if I want to give Tilga the benefit of the doubt, I’d say that’s just an assumption because they’re from NUF? But I found it a bit odd nonetheless, and coupled with the thing about neutrals not being mentioned in the town wincons versus scum wincons… Just look at the flipped players and you’ll see what I mean.

I didn’t know we had a neut until cdecora flipped, actually, and I was wondering why Tilga started speculating on neuts already on D1. They said it’s because games like this always have a neut in them on NUF, but Marl’s wincon on his card says nothing that hints at the existence of neuts. It only says that town has to defeat mafia to win, meaning there are no neuts with KP.

Actually if I’d paid more attention to Aelin’s wincon when she flipped, I might have realized earlier, but I didn’t go back and check until after cdecora flipped.

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The thing is that since we did have a neut, that probably means this game is structured more like a NUF game and that mafia only has a night chat, is what I’m thinking. That plus the weird rand elimination when the wagons are tied, are not things that are standard on FoL.

Wtf why did that random part get quoted lol

Anyway, here’s the thing:
If mafia doesn’t have a day chat in this game, then interactions like the one between Aelin and Eli regarding the PKR vote, or the one between Aelin and Tilga regarding asking how lol was doing, are in fact unplanned and possibly unintentional scum theater.

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Also, look at the solving Tilgarial was doing earlier in the day with me. They weren’t able to reach a conclusion on who the scumteam was.

The only way it fit, in multiple combinations, was if Tilga is scum, but Tilga isn’t scumreading themselves so the pieces don’t fit.

Going through all my notes on wagonomics, interactions, and whatnot, there were only 3 people left in my PoE by last night, but I just wasn’t in a mood to discuss it so I left questions for you guys to answer in the meantime.

Out of the 3 people in my PoE, the one I’m most certain of is Tilgarial, but the problem throughout this game is that every time I suspect them, they seem to convince me otherwise. Tonally they’re towny, effort wise they’ve been putting in a lot, and so the question is just, how much solving have they actually been doing? They’re the only player in my PoE who has been pretty consistently active at every EoD, meaning that Aelin’s flip would not have stopped the scumteam from controlling the outcome, but I think if Tilga is scum, they haven’t had to push agenda because the town has been consistently wrong, except that the town has also been hopping on and off Eli every day as well. So not much interference was needed because there have been several of us (myself included) who were shielding Eli’s slot. What I finally realized is that I’ve mostly been TRing him off believing his claim, and not very strongly for other reasons. But his claim, even if true, doesn’t make him town, and I think that’s where my error has been.

tl;dr the scumteam is most likely Tilga and Eli.

If anyone has a different opinion or can find something to prove me wrong, then go ahead and debate it with me. If you can convince me I’m wrong, I’ll consider your views.

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@EVO where you at? any new thoughts?

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I mean… I do have a different opinion, but considering I’m the one your basing this entire thing off of, I kinda doubt I’ll be convincing you, lol

Hmm… give me a sec.
We’re currently on 5/2
If we lynch town 4/2 → 3/2
If we lynch mafia 5/1 → 4/1

Town-town lynch → mafia win
Mafia-town lynch → 2/1 → one more day

Alight, Alrightt. Getting a single mafia gets us another potential mislynch, and should narrow down the entire thing again.
While, if he is town, this puts us at lylo.
If Eli is mafia, I can be mislynched in peace.
If Eli is town, the only obvious conclusion I can come to is that this is a setup.
I’ll bet my lynch on Eli’s flip, deal?

This is specifically targetted at @WindwardAway , and I want her answer first, thank you

The problem here is that I lockvote PKR tommorow instantly if you’re town

Today hasn’t ended yet, and some specific things could still change.

I’ve been pushing PKR for 4 days now and I have a decent case against them out of anyone here…

That’s unlikely going to change…

I’m not betting your alignment on Eli’s flip because I was withholding something to see how you’d react.

And that would be?