I’m not really sure why you feel that, either, although I suppose it could probably be because I clarified my pronouns? I legitimately just want to have fun this game, although I still plan on winning because that’s gone so well in my past 33 games

I was town in Night Catless Jestergirl
That also wasn’t really aggressive? I just saw someone kinda hanging around and prodded them for their thoughts.

I… got the joke? I tried to indicate that with my “:^)” at the end, as well as the fact that I literally said I got the joke and didn’t like it when Eli then followed my vote with his own.

Am simple gorl. See bad. Vote.

I think it’s more because you were kinda misreading my posts that’s the problem? I feel bad to just tell you that you’re wrong, but… I don’t really know how else to put it :sweat:

Hi! This is a disgusting sounding post! :blue_heart:


Also @EVO I do not want to have sexual relations with you and kindly please refrain from offering stuff like this to me.
This is not a sexual forum and I’m honestly highly annoyed you want to force me to have sex with you.

Honestly… what the hell was that to begin with.

Calm down, Bill Clinton

?!?! Where

For those uncommon with English figures of speech

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Smoke my pole? If someone came up to me and said that I think I’d start crying


Smoke one’s pole!

Bill Clinton?

No @EVO listen up.
You don’t know me, I don’t know you.

You have no freakign right to call me a mommy boy who should suck your cock.

Asserting dominance?
Suggesting sexual relationship?

Maybe post a picture of your “cock” next if you love it that much.

I’m not American and I don’t care about american culture where saying “suck my dick mommy boy” is something acceptable.

I do not want any sexual offers going my way.
This is not a forum for it.

If you want a date night, go search it elsewhere.

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Ironically a really good copypasta


Honestly this post is so beautiful ngl



EVO, I’m the oldest person of all regulars on this forum and non-native speaker.

I do not want to search each new term america makes just to see if it’s meaning something new.

For me saying that I’m mommy boy who should suck your cock is literally asserting dominance and telling that all I’m good for is being your whore.
Cultural differences? Maybe.
But for me it literally means you want me to be your whore. In it’s literal meaning.

Which is something which I do not wish to see on this forum.


i doubt its ok in america too

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Apparently it is.

Evo wasnt trying to say suck his cock he was just basically insulting you

Not saying it’s okay but I’m saying not to twist it into him sexually assaulting you online

And I don’t need nor even want to know this.
Let america be america with own twisting of vulgar words into okayish sentences.

I don’t need to take part in it.
I’m not even okay with someone telling me to “fuck off” to begin with.
But I can bear with it.

But this is something on whole new level of idiotism for me.

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Be honest are you just saying this cause I’m defending you in this post.

Yes exactly. Your aggressiveness reminded me of Catster Nightless Jestgirl, which was a good thing since you were town that game.

[quote=“Aelin, post:1402, topic:87229”]

I feel like that vote was a bad reasoning, cause I could totally see a world where you voting PKR just reminded Eli to vote PKR, it didn’t seem scummy to me at all.]

Alright sure.

I’ll accept my reasoning for scumleaning you as an oversight on my part.

Into the Null section with like 30 other people you go I guess.

w h a t


wheres marl I wanna talk to him

Should I be…

Listening to Evo and Eevee’s interactions…?