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When the game is so null everyone is at least double null :^)



I’m uh
really not sure what to make of them

EVO don't read this

This doesn’t make me feel any better about his slot but I feel like it would be incredibly rude to vote him because of it

Let’s be honest, when I was saying that Nazi jokes about murdering thousnds of people were in adequate for me, noone cared.
I was even acused of runing the fun w hen you laughed about killing my ancestors.

I’m also not gonna care about america adding new meaning to sexual stuff and just ask to not see again someone asking me to be theirs sex toy.

Thank you very much.

who was??? doing that???

Why are u now lying about what happened lmao

how’s about we don’t talk about this
and force replace evo or smth

Nobody joked about killing your ancestors

why are u bringing this shit up anyway

Evo literally isnt even here and it feels like you’re saying this just to get a reaction and it makes everyone in thread uncomfortable

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That actually happened around 2 months ago?

I know what happened eevee, I was literally there

people were making jokes about a party that they shouldn’t of. Yes were aware of that and that was resolved.

NOBODY made fun of your ancestors dying.

Regardless, you are bringing this up when it has nothing to do with evo.

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can i mute this thread for a bit

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Let’s just ignore what just happened.

Say Aelin, I don’t remember if you’ve mentioned this before but who are your scumreads as of now?

Don’t worry, it’s because I haven’t really been too vocal about them. My stronger scumreads would currently have to be Marl and Eli, although there’s this weird thing going on with Marl that, like… whenever I’m not in thread, he’s acting pretty normal and casual and then he just like flips a switch or something when interacting with me. PKR doesn’t seem great, but they aren’t bad enough to the extent that they’d be my first vote today. I’d rather give him some more time to produce content. Other slots I’m looking at are EVO and gonz, the former because low content and the latter just because I remember very little of what they did and don’t really like what I can remember of interacting with them.

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I’m not sure, but this kinda gives me worries that it’s literally just V!Marl spinning himself around like sonic into confbiasing on me

Yes, that is true.

I can live with this.

That aside, interactions I can remember are: Eevee/PKR, Eevee/lol(?), Eevee/Evo, Wind/Marl, someone/aelin(?).
Various player has mentioned that Eevee is meta consistent. Statistically, I’m inclined that there should be at least one scum in that group of four? Otherwise, condolence for the bad day @eevee

Wind pointed out Marl, which at least one other person seemed to agree(?), but as far as I’m concerned, it seemed to rely on Wind’s past accuracy on reading Marl(?) Are we considering pursuing that lead? Otherwise, I feel like Wind hasn’t been really been pushing it otherside of claiming “Marl’s my top scum.”

With Aelin, I recall someone pointing out a shift due to her coming out. Please tag me if otherwise, but I would rather give up on tone reading her in this case. Though, given the meta, I guess that never quite applied for me.

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hi, how much time is left? bleh

is anyone here? marl preferrably?