[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

I think Blizer and Chloe both explained it

Quote them here.

gorta when was the last time you had a scum game?

Mode claims rogue, which will see how many abilities a slot used and this slot used no ablities according to Seth

Cause Mode is a rogue and he checks how many abilities he used

if Gorta was a worgen/Genn, he would have bled CRich yesterday, and Mode would see he used an ability

Right now I’m thinking that Italy/Centuries is v/v, or this was a planned interaction where they would do something like this to try to clear each other.

Also, it’s dishonest to call Prismatic Barrier a strongman, as the group mafia do not know who the superpower is going to target.

SFoL 60 or more recently Bastard++

[quote="[Standard] WoW:BfA v2 - Starting Signups, post:1, topic:82300"]
The abilities you can use will alternate between days. You will start as a Worgen.
literally has to be a genn game

Would he get any actions you used last night in his check?

and I can’t be Genn according to Mode

I didn’t use an action, which would be kind of a bad play for me not to kill anyone if I was the superpower

Not true. Genn didn’t necessarily bleed anyone yesterday.

CRich was bled

on an odd day


Gonna do some homework now, I’ll take another look in a couple of hours.

Also not true. Genn wouldn’t want to bleed an ally of theirs after all, so bleeding someone D1 isn’t necessarily in their best interests.

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give me one person who would bleed an outed troll

Which means? Mode saw that this slot used 0 actions that day

Off the top of my head I don’t want:

Vul/Chloe/Leafia/Italy/Cent/CRich/Chuck hanged here

that there can be others performing bleeds