[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)


I will be on later, I don’t feel great right now

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Don’t force yourself. It’s only a game after all

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Then stop claiming that I’m groupscum.

I hope you feel better soon Gorta.

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You shouldn’t be fixated over a casual read, especially as I’m not backing it with a vote right now

The casual read is making me think that you could be the LW honestly.

That’s mechanically impossible and has been the case since Day 2

Nothing is mechanically impossible Mole.

Yes it is. LW only ever gets one night ability

Wrong. LW has two night actions.

Jaina Proudmoore

Human Mage
For the Alliance! (Passive) - All Alliance players within the game will know your identity and class. You may use two different night abilities at the same time.
Experienced Human Mage (Passive) You have all abilities of a Mage and all the passives of a Human.
Influential Diplomacy (Day) - Learn if a player is a member of the Horde. - Infinite uses
Alliance Retribution (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.

Magni Bronzebeard

Dwarf Warrior
For the Alliance! (Passive) - All Alliance players within the game will know your identity and class. You may use two different night abilities at the same time.
Experienced Dwarf Warrior (Passive) You have all abilities of a Warrior and all the passives of a Dwarf.
Regenerative Stoneform (Day) - You will be death immune and heal yourself tonight. - Infinite uses
Alliance Retribution (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.

Malfurion Stormrage

Night Elf Druid
For the Alliance! (Passive) - All Alliance players within the game will know your identity and class. You may use two different night abilities at the same time.
Experienced Night Elf Druid (Passive) You have all abilities of a Druid and all the passives of a Night Elf.
Silent Shadowmeld (Day) - Your visit tonight behaves as if you never visited the target. - Infinite uses
Alliance Retribution (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.

Sicco Thermaplugg

Gnome Hunter
For the Alliance! (Passive) - All Alliance players within the game will know your identity and class. You may use two different night abilities at the same time.
Experienced Gnome Hunter (Passive) You have all abilities of a Hunter and all the passives of a Gnome.
Swift Nimble Fingers (Day) - Sabotage a player causing their day and night ability to be ineffective. - Infinite uses
Alliance Retribution (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.

Prophet Velen

Draenei Priest
For the Alliance! (Passive) - All Alliance players within the game will know your identity and class. You may use two different night abilities at the same time.
Experienced Draenei Priest (Passive) You have all abilities of a Priest and all the passives of a Draenei.
Blessed Gift of the Naaru (Day) - Target player cannot die by any means tonight. This is not considered healing or death immunity. - Infinite uses
Alliance Retribution (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.

Genn Greymane

Worgen Rogue
For the Alliance! (Passive) - All Alliance players within the game will know your identity and class. You may use two different night abilities at the same time.
Experienced Worgen Rogue (Passive) You have all abilities of a Rogue and all the passives of a Worgen.
Precise Flay (Day) - Maul a player. They will die in two nights unless healed. They will be aware. - Infinite uses
Alliance Retribution (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
Ensure that all of the Horde are eliminated.

These all look like only one night action to me

It’s only a headache

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Superpowers can use the kill and their class action at night

they can use it twice lol.


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Ah. Ok. Hmm.

Yes. That.

That does maybe make it more likely derps is the super power then… Might not even need me to have been occupied if I blocked the wrong ability…

Now explain how you’re mechcleared of being the superpower.