[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

This only makes me think it’s even more likely that you’re the superpower here. You start pushing on me slightly and then claim that you’re mechcleared of being the superpower but refuse to say how/. This isn’t making you look villagery in the slightest.

Chloe’s been writing War and Peace for the last 5 days it feels like

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Yeah. I’m excited for the release of her boo-er post.

And what if you are the superpower @Leafia?

Stop being an idiot Frankie. If I was the superpower or groupscum, then Mode would never have killed Vulgard and you know it.

ya girl is here
and queer
and ready to solve this shit

You can see someone visit someone who blinked? Uhhhhhhhh

confused chloe noises

Also the fact that Seth flipped W (meaning his mech info can’t be trusted) and gorta has no information that we didn’t already know, makes this possible to be wolf but i really really doubt it.
I townread Alice d1. Vul flipped V and said Alice did her towntell early into the day - meaning his info on her slot is reliable (unless she figured out her towntell).
Also gorta seemed alone as hell in the thread. Only me and Vul were really defending the guy - and i think Seth really was trying to get him jettisoned. This boi is still a townlean for me atm

A nightkill on Frankie also indicates that its someone who isn’t paying attention to anything. Having Frankie come back as a treestump and provide endless communication with dead-chat through him for two days is really really damn good. (At least I think Frankie is in dead chat)
There is also the possibility that Frankie was a Worgen who appeared as Undead when he died. Didn’t think about that until rn
Why did you visit Centuries last night? Especially since it was rather clear that he would be blinking.

You’d probably keep Vul alive here if you’re groupscum and SDA is your LW? SDA was townread by Vul, and the shade from SDA on Vul’s slot, from a LW perspective, means he probably thought he could get a mis-jettison on Vul. Bad nightkill if SDA is LW.
Vul was probably right on something else. (And it aint me). Gunna have to re-read that boi

You also healed me? Can I ask what made you heal me? We already have a heal claim so im a little less inclined to believe you

I don’t think we should clear Gorta off of mechanics from Seth. Clearing based on mechanics (especially information from scum) is how we lose the game. However - I did think the push from Seth was in bad faith, and it seemed to be hard fuckin agenda - as in, he expected gorta to actually die from the push - so I will agree with you that gorta is likely not the superpower here.

Agreed. Groupscum Leafia is a really likely scenario. But there is a part of me that thinks shes just TWTBAW
Her EoD was shit.
Also nightkill on Vul from groupscum Leafia doesn’t make the most sense - unless they were so scared of Vul catching on to them that they killed him regardless of his townread on Leafia.

I disagree :^)
I’m rather happy to be alive and kickin’
Also at this point I’m kinda thinkin’ the bleed came from scum. Ami/Vul flipped Orc but i seriously doubt Ami would have bled me d1. And especially not have said anything about it. Nobody else has hardclaimed the bleed

The only reason scum would heal me here is for towncred but like
Only from me
Towncred from me is rather useless, since people don’t seem to like me :upside_down_face:
So Nappy gets to plop into my towncore

I (and Blizer) saw Chuck visit Napoleon n1. Nappy aint dead. Also do you mind pointing out some of the interactions that make you think this isn’t groupscum?

You healed me just to delay my death? What?
So you didn’t townread me
You just… healed me for the lols?

You forgot to action n1 and you heal me for the hell of it on n2 - and out the heal after someone else claimed it. This aint a good look for you lmfao

Kinda feels like genuine frustration. But this frustration could come from either alignment tbf. Seth might have killed Vul without discussing it with her or something - or Leafia could just not be groupscum.

Why so specific?
Will you do this if you’re LW too?
I could be reading into this too much, but the fact that you said groupscum over scum is a little :eyes:

Also I want to point out that it kinda is almost mechanically impossible for Mole to be superpower. I can’t tell if hes just brainfarting or not rn tho. I saw him visit Napoleon and Napoleon only - so unless he used both his abilities on the same person and Napoleon survived… somehow, with no other visits, this is not LW.

I’ve been mostly eating fried chicken lmfao

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i didnt visit Centuries last night

thats for frankie

i shoulda pinged there

my b

Oh ok.

That is not what I am asking. You say you are doing this really big borderline trust-tell thing, but conveniently leave out the world where you are superpower.


Don’t use out of game bets or promises to try to get an advantage in forum mafia

A. Thats kinda fucked. Prove you aren’t scum by other means, like, being pro-town and playing the game
B. Nobody is going to believe that shit lmfao. Marshal gave himself a mullet after saying hes not executioner, when he was executioner (I think? Or it mighta been insurgency mason things, i cant remember)


Needless to say
You didn’t say scum, you said groupscum
And thats hella :eyes:

I may as well reveal what I did last night.

I used Blackout kick on Derps. I’m checking with Kyo how that interacts with Superpower now

Im asking the same thing aswell atm.

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did you use that on nappy n1 too? or something else

Something else. Nappy knows what that was though


Hmmm, yes. Chloe is right. Which means that even Frankie could be superpower who only appeared as an undead D2 and N2, and thus had the abilities of one. Remember that Genn can kill someone so they don’t flip as well, and that’;s likely what they would’ve done unless Frankie is Genn. Although then why would he kill himself here? A lot of things don’t make sense about Frankie’as slot. Whoever is Genn might just want us to start thinking that Frankie was Genn, and thus why Genn didn’t kill him unflipped. There’s too much we don’t know to be sure of anything at the moment.

Frankie was seen on Centuries (apparently) - though I… don’t think he should have been? Since Centuries used blink?

However, with this information, hes regular Worgen or Undead
Also LW killed him lmfao - unless someone else speaks up, or vul did it

So? What’s your point?