[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

I don’t know you and I don’t wish to be called a potato by someone who I never spoke before.


So lock scum it is

If you think so.
If 3 times of “it might be a lie” and ignoring logic is basis for your argument, I can’t really prove it wrong.


It isn’t

TRANCENDENCE IS PROVEABLE is the key to my arguement.

That’s why you are Going to dead chat

Wolves don’t want attention and I am not saying this makes you a 100% confirmed wolf, but wolves avoid confrontation.

Leafia will also be executed in these next few days

Here’s the deal, we can gather someones alignment based on their actions, which is why we don’t mech clear people and we don’t just base it on social reads. When you determine if someone is a wolf you use a combination of the two

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Many wolves avoid the thunderdome because they can’t go against a towny who isn’t lying because eventually those lies get hard to maintain

Alt slip 2020

Wait did I see what I thought I saw?

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You are not wrong, except discussion did happen and I’m pretty sure I won it at this point.

Him being blocked? Can be a lie
Leafias check? Can be a lie
Me being a monk? Can be a lie

That’s all his arguments. “No u lie”.
No logic, no reads. Nothing.

He has no arguments which are not based on “no u” type of behavior.

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Well, that alt slip explains a bit about your playstyle.

But you keep cherry picking my points and refusing fo acknowledged the key point here

I could debate this back and forth, but I want some sleep

I really am not cherry picking, you don’t have arguments other than “it can be a lie”.

Show me one argument where you are just not doubtcasting every information so far.

How many more hours in the day?


Yeah, you call a lie that I am a monk here. Sure.

The only direct result of this is that my kick is not real, so you don’t believe you are in PoE.

The only people that would keep quiet about a transcendence link are

Dead people
Scum people

You out your link target and they confirm it? They get lynched for being a piece of toast.

They deny it? Scumget. You die, but if you flip town they follow you

And if as I say there is a reason to not out it?

how many hours left in the day?

Then you have a near impossible task to justify that

About 14