[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

/vote SDA


Iv made two posts

Horde is the uninformed majority.

Is it

I swear last game it was alliance

yep it’s random

and if you were horde you would have known that, right?

Hey SDA stop chatting with your wolf friends.

I havent played with Derps recently

so idk what type of player hes become

but i have no idea if this is a scumslip or not

I want him to actually post and read the thread though before i can come to a conclusion on this opener

I’ll tell you a bit later.

I was putting a car seat on

I didn’t look at my race I mostly just looked at my class

what are your impressions of the game so far?

Anyways I don’t feel like back reading because it’s boring


If people scumread you for this, do you think it would be dumb?



I just went back and looked

Y’all are fucking with me right

Because im alliance

I wanna say lolreaction test

but this feels genuine tbh.

Hold on… let me check something

Just making sure… scum was Alliance for both rands so SDA couldn’t have looked at the wrong card.

gonna hold on this thought

SDA, can you answer my previous question?

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Kyo would have informed us if it changed to Alliance as town and Horde as wolf.

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