[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

I was hiding my reads because my RT wasn’t over

/vote SirDerpsAlot


Also I’m p sure 10 posts is a Marshal alt.


We cant discuss about that.

also im gonna make lunch


We can’t discuss alts in game chat

Wait, forgot about it.

Nevermind what I said.

Wall post incoming

So, not lynching in App/Leafia/Nap/CRich/Ami today, maybe add Italy, Frankie, and Chloe to it.

Still feel as if Mode and maybe Blizer is underwhelming.

SDA and 10 posts are basically kind of not playing the game.

Light and Chuck have yet to actually post.

Centuries is a WTF but I think he’ll make his alignment known sooner rather than later.

I sorta had a similar feeling about Seth, they are playing quite a bit of “narrator” which is weird:

“Let’s hear what Napoleon has to say!”

Also dude Chloe has been typing like for an hour

It’s basically just a lot of IIoA.

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I’m excited for wallpost from Chleb


Can you try to fragment your posts? I usually just skim huge-ass walls and breaking your wall into smaller posts helps me read them.

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ye i’m gunna post in sections. im just typing it all up so i dont have to continue it mid-conversation

oh boy how big is this sucka

Vote Count

Accused Voters Votes
Napoleon Chloe, Leafia, Ami 3/9
Ami Apprentice 1/9
Centuries Frankie 1/9
Chloe Centuries, Blizer, Frankie, Napoleon 4/9
ModeShifter CRichard564 1/9
SirDerpsAlot Alice 1/9

Ping me if I did a dumb

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fuck if i know how to split this apart

lets give it a go

first part is on why i initially pushed Napoleon’s slot


So his first two posts are NAI - they just rub me the wrong way. They don’t contribute very much to my read on him.

The answer to question 2 is incredibly hypocritical. “Pointless things and RTs are what get you scumread.” It just so happens that one of the main reasons I dislike this slot is because of pointless things and RTs.

This section of his ISO is an “RT” on Frankie - that gives zero fuckin analysis on the slot. But he didn’t say it was an RT until much later - it just seemed like he was pulling an argument out of his ass, then said it was an RT as a get-out-of-jail-free card. He even fucking said this himself earlier: “pointless things and RTs are what get you scumread.” Like :b:ruh, that’s exactly what you’re doing. Then he was hypocritical by using an exclamation point himself, and that irked me.

I feel like most people are ignoring this when considering why i read this slot as scum. Perhaps because the question came from me and it feels more personal or some shit - fuck if I know. I asked this question because I wanted a concrete answer. If the superpower ended up being whatever his answer was, it could look bad for him - but he didn’t answer at all. It seemed like a mega cop-out. I even asked for a guess and it was ignored:

Much later, after i said he had a cop-out answer:

I couldn’t quote these posts because the game was ongoing, but I now can. This question isnt to dissimilar to what someone would ask in an FoL game to the starting king. Depending on their answer, and when/how they answer, it could give information on their alignment - especially after the superpower (or in FoL, the groupscum faction) is confirmed, or flips.

The only major difference about this is that, from other peoples POVs this question could have been asked by the superpower. But as I know I’m not the damn superpower, I am reading into his answer.

i did this wallpost very poorly, and in chronological order rather than in categories like “RT,” “Tone,” etc
so uh
bear with me