[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

FUCK everyone you BITCHES



From my experience of alternate accounts
I really suggest to other hosts to never use them
The amount of situations I had to resolve with alts was absurd

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No, I did that

oh that’s right

no frankie would never do this

okay okay

im not crazy

when reading the thread just to see flips I still haven’t figured out which faction is the town faction of the game


i assumed you were marshal the literal second i saw a joycat


Slightly annyoing to deal with ingame

i really feel bad for you tbh

The amount of shit you had to deal behind the scenes sucked.

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you should know scum won because its in the title

town doesnt win games


Horde was the town faction in this rand

Leafia was a Death Godfather

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Horde was Town

Alliance was Wolves.

Like I’m sad that we lost, but I’m Ok with scum!chloe winning than i would scumitaly

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I feel like you were the only one to guess

nobody could have guessed


Same tbh.

Also, i may join next SFoL even though i said i was taking a break

got alot of free time on my hands.

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Overall, alts are cool

I need 4 more so that I can give 5 likes to all the posts on my main and cheese the admired badge

until then

frankie out

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Also I can’t believe this game lasted until F3
I’m surprised balance held up that long

Only because there were so few nightkills



the main issue with alts is that we have a very small community
so its relatively easy to figure out who is who

i still think allowing people to use an alt if they want to is a good thing though