[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

i absolutely refuse to let light live
this is like the forum version of claiming knight
it’s lazy, pretty cheap and i can’t believe people still believe them

Light has actually posted decent content here tbh, and his vote on CRich, who claims to be bleeding seems actually stupid from a wolf POV to do.

Which is something I’m willing to believe for a change.

I’m just confused why you’re quoting this is all

Cause im responding to your post.

My post was saying I prefer the Chuck wagon to the Italy/Light ones so I just didn’t understand the relevance of your comment

Chuck has done very little. I’d be fine voting that, and probably will, light has occasionally had some Good Looks and Chuck has kind of been floating.

Not going to vote alice, her emotion feels genuine, and I don’t think i’ll get a italy Jettison today, so I’m going to go on chuck and maybe call it a night.

It seemed like after saying that, that you stated hes atleast posted content compared to Italy/Light

i may have misread that mb.

Mind tossin’ me some quotes?

Tbh im alright with resolving via bleed if im not greenchecked tonight, as ive asked for.
CRich gets heals over me any day.
I’ll just put as much out there as i can before I die.

I don’t agree with lynching a super low-poster this early on, usually. But he has been pinged and prodded by us enough times that he should have shown up by now.

I’m fine with a Chuck CFD. And Italy has actually shown up and spoken about the game - even though it was barely anything. Which is (unfortunately) his townmeta.

/jettison Chuck

nah i keep getting distracted by irl. im barely here rn

I was talking about Chuck compared to Ami, sorry if that was unclear

A replacement is required. Please message me ASAP if you would like to replace in.

if you remove some of the context i can say that i can relate

34 posts iirc so not that low

29 actually

/vote chuck

Kitty is feeling a little sleepy. I’m going to check in later before end of day if I can but I might be asleep by them

Not feeling it right now, sorry. Most of my reservations on your slot come from your pushing on Napoleon with your reaction test, The test felt incredibly pointless and your push on him for his response felt incredibly unfair for what was an NAI response.

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Around 10 of those are one-liners correcting past posts, or saying “hi im here,” etc. One is a meme.

I’m fine with this vote.

Jettison Count

Accused Voters Votes
Ami Apprentice 1/9
ModeShifter Chuck 1/9
Italy Leafia 1/9
Alice Modeshifter, SirDerpsAlot 2/9
oB_L1ght Ami, Italy 2/9
CRichard564 10_posts_daily 1/9
Apprentice Napoleon, Blizer, oB_L1ght 3/9
Chuck Centuries, Alice, Chloe, Frankie 4/9

The day will end at 2020-06-18T03:06:00Z

I don’t see your vote anywhere yet. Which of the current wagons are you scumreading?

Understandable. Most people who dislike my slot dislike it because of my push on Napoleon. I’d like you to re-eval during night - maybe you will change your mind.

(i’m also not really feeling it rn too)
