[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Quite honestly, what did you think you would gain from that question at all??? Asking what superpower is in the game is barely even a reaction test, the only answers you will get are jokes, I don’t know, or things like having not read the OP.

I’m literally fucking blind disregard

Alright, I’ll be here for the last 40 minutes. I have CRich ignored, so if there’s anything important… oh well.

he said hes sorry about his beahviour towards you.

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I’ve already answered this multiple times. I was hoping for a concrete response - so that, depending on what the superpower ends up being, it would be either a good or bad look for him.

We have a game-type on this site called Forum of Lies, and its common to ask the starting king (that can be evil or town) what groupscum (there are two evil factions) rolled. I was trying to imitate that question - but in context of this game.

@Leafia 40 minutes til EoD, either make a case or get off a vanity wagon.

@Chuck 40 minutes til EoD, either make a case or get off a vanity wagon.

@10_posts_daily 40 minutes til EoD, either make a case or get off a vanity wagon.

@Apprentice 40 minutes til EoD, either make a case or get off a vanity wagon.


Chuck does not look the best at all, and if we agree on it, i wouldnt mind lynching him

but, I would rather have the App lynch here tbh.


I think that’s an incredibly silly test, especially if he could see it coming. Using it as a basis for pushing is even more ridiculous and does not make me like your slot in the least.

I’ve literally been making a case for the past hour and eveyrone is ignoring me

You have been on a vanity wagon nearly the entire day.

Actually vigs don’t kill L1ght.

That actually bullshit tbh.

People have responded to it, and we keep telling you its a bad fucking push.

there is a reason im wolfreading you atm, and why i want you lynched.

No you think it’s a bad push because “lol meta” and haven’t given one decent reason why it shouldn’t happen.

I’m not feeling any town vibes from her, but not strong scum vibes either. The most interaction I really saw was Frankie at SoD, and Frankie has been bobbing up and down, and I’m not willing to make entire reads off of pre-flips.

It wasn’t my entire reason for pushing him bruh
Did you… read what I wrote about him? Lmfao.

Also I still stand by it being a valid reason for pushing him. Perhaps you disagree because the question didn’t come from you.

And I don’t think he saw it coming? He would have no reason to.

My read literally has nothing to do with preflips

I never said it did. You just looked at one word and decided what I said.

Just read. Please.

Dude, if no one is actually pushing it,

there is a fucking reason to why.

Ami is a palyer that can be meta read yes, but your reason for pushing them can be used for Chuck and for SDA here aswell.

thats why its a bad read, because you are disregarding other people who have contributed as much to the game as Ami`s slot.