[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Unless you can explain in what world would faking a bleed on D1 make sense as scum, what reason is there to doubt it?

I mean you can just fake it because why the hell not

From your PoV, yes I might be faking it.
Though it would be rather risky to fake claim a bleed and have a healer out me as a fake no?

I think you should rather look at my ISO than to defend yourself on the bleed

Also I don’t see how you are immune to day actions today

Did I miss something?

My race is Goblin and I can make myself immune to day abilities for the day.

Oh yeah I just noticed

Did I really read through every class in the game only to miss this

It sounds like you did miss that Goblin can make themselves immune to day abilities, so the answer is yes.

Can you look at my ISO and answer it

Chuck did start ok, though I agree with what Centuries is saying. He was there and then he vanished.
He’s been trending down to a scum read.

I did scum read Seth earlier because of his entrance. Shall I bring it up?

[quote=“CRichard564, post:482, topic:82340, full:true”]
Some of his posts in particular. Let me bring them up,

Rich I just made an ISO on you like literally 10 posts ago this is the one you supposed to look at

How did you miss my essay

Can you point me to where I show TMI? If anything this is town PoV.

His entrance into the game is why I read him as town.

You aren’t wrong here, though I do think Napoleon is posting from a town perspective.
Townies can be wrong.

True I did town read him, which is why I complained about him being jettisoned EoD1.
If you’ve read App’s ISO, you’d agree he was socially town correct?

Chloe’s ISO seems natural and that indicates town.

I do my best to be agreeable, so I don’t say things I regret and get a moderator to potentially add me to #FoLJustice.

Correct I did read the OP.

That is correct. I town read him then and it wasn’t enough to save him.

It’s called pressure to find information on someone’s slot.
A wagon doesn’t have to lead to an execution to yield information.

No that’s because I haven’t seen any posts that make me think you posted from a scum PoV.

This comment was about Seth’s ISO at the start of D1. Do you agree with me on this or not?
If not, what is your take?


Except I did scum read him earlier because of his entrance. He’s improved since then, though I’m still watching his slot for progression.

Everyone makes mistakes, including me. You should know this by now.

In what way isn’t it genuine or organic?

Well that’s you’re mistaken. I scum read Leafia, Chuck, 10 posts and Frankie.

I’ll have to break up my answer to your ISO on me Centuries in 2 or more posts. I don’t want your eyes to glaze over with long wallposts.

I struggle to believe all of your reads so early in D1 still hold up at this point of the game

Eh you never pushed the read you said you TR’d him sure but it’s not like you were really doing anything with it

Ye sure

Which is why I think you should be pushing your reads

I think you couldve done more during EOD to save him

I didn’t really TR him that much until the push tbh lol


That’s good but you being agreeable here isn’t good

Your reads show very little evolution, no one goes from scum to town or from town to scum, they just stay in townsville coolsville

Yeah but you shouldve pushed for him to stay alive, compared our ISO at EOD, I did so much I tried CFD’s I told him to vote for self pres meanwhile you voted out of the 2

You calling it wagonomics without pressure makes me think it isnt a pressure vote

Of course but you’re supposed to pressure him afterwards more, not just park and make eh pushes

Which is why I think it’s TMI

Your reads are almost flawless, there’s not a single read which looks bad at the moment

Yet your read lists, they just have so little backing it feels almost like you make up your reasoning

But if you thought Seth was scum you shouldve made a real case, it’s just a lot of small pushes instead of one big wall, one big post telling everyone

“Look at Seth! He’s scum”

It doesn’t make town believe in your read


The goal of Mafia is to take risks, you cannot ever be sure someone is guaranteed town most of the time, sure we’re in a game with PRs cop checks etc but D1 with no N0 peek is purest form of Mafia outside of claims, you shouldn’t hesitate, you can make a mistake without spewing you scum, push for who you believe are scum or town, don’t just sit there pretty silently without really ever pushing your reads

Your reads don’t evolve, whenever someone becomes Town even if very early on they never leave your townreads, none of your reads are backed up with any real reasoning it’s mostly “oh tone” “oh I like them” you never actually go ahead and quote their posts. It really makes me believe you’re scum town reading actual townies but without any reasoning except them not being scum

You’ve never actually made a push on them, there’s no case on Leafia or 10 posts

It’s just you saying “Oh I think they are scum” and doing nothing with it

For example this is my evolution on reads now lets look at yours

I know I’m not pocketing, though i don’t expect you to take my answer for it.

No I’ve been concentrating on solving other slots.

Have you ever considered this post comes from an uncertain townie? It might not be W/W, who knows?

See I think you’re seeing TMI where it doesn’t exist. You’ve said this multiple times, yet I don’t think you’ve made a case where that exists.

This is Italy and his posts weren’t helping the town there no?

I think this is after I was bled D1. My observation was that if they bleed people this early, it only gives the town healers opportunities to confirm themselves as not scum, which is what the scum should be trying to avoid.

I think Leafia is probably scum as she is being too pockety for my liking. I’ve seen this before in my previous games with Leafia. Again if Alice/Gorta is scum, then it has to be LW based on their interactions with other people so far.

I read Alice as town.
It doesn’t help your case when you miss things.

Apart from Modeshifter and Italy, I agree with leaving 10 posts and Derps in PoE.

I voted on Seth to pressure him.
Again you are missing things here.

At this point, I’m willing to concede that some of my reads could be in error.
D1 reads are made with not the most information no?

Honestly I’ll be shocked if all my D1 reads are as good as you think they are.

Like Seth is maybe the only read you evolved on by yourself

Italy just self cleared

ah lost internet ate one of my posts

Uncertain townie should push his reads

I mean you know it’s not W/W if you’re V

From the POV of V!CRich yeah, now do you really not have PoE?

Commit to your reads!

You said there was 1 or 2 scum inside it but you openly TR’d everyone else but Leafia and Alice! Was it really 2 people or were you just thinking it was 2 people

Push your reads, Pressure isn’t committing

But my issue is that your reads still hold up to this day

Then why are we town reading everyone who you were townreading in early?