[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Ok I’m back

It’s been a while since I’ve put out a read list.

Here’s another one.

Alice/Gorta: Before being subbed out, she was pushing slots such as Seth for information.
Her anger at being ignored isn’t fake from my PoV.
Napoleon: Town leaning this slot due to his RT, though I don’t like him pushing App.
Centuries: Mech cleared on N1.
Ami: Still slightly town leaning this slot, though trending down due to lack of content.
Italy: Mech cleared on N1.
Chloe: Still like this slot because of her progression so far.
L1ght: Claimed to have healed me N1.
Blizer: I think they’re playing differently compared to their scum game in FoL 28.
His progression is more natural and relaxed compared to his scum game in FoL 28.

Leafia: I still don’t trust this slot because I think they’re trying to pocket people again. I’ve seen this slot do it before as scum.
10 Posts: Slanker here and not helping town much. I wouldn’t mind having this slot flip sooner or later.
Derps: I’d like to see this slot do more to help town.
Chuck: Had an ok entrance, though this has been trending down due to lack of content and not helping the town solve people’s slots.
Frankie: Still getting TMI vibes from this slot D1.

See this is better

so now try and ISO one of the 4 (preferable Chuck/Leafia/Frankie)

Oh @Centuries I don’t blame you in finding I’m too agreeable.
Though would you have done the same if a moderator warned you about harassing people?

Agreeable as in the reads

Not your typing style

Less posts doesn’t mean slanking, can you stop being rude to me?

Italy and Centuries put too much pressure on how they are “mech solved” for this to be worth anything. It looks like they try to have everyone notice it, so noone suspects them.
Well, I do now.

Light claiming to heal the bleed is even funnier, as they claimed they can only delay the death. So in reality they delayed the death of one of most udnerwhelming slots by 1 night.
Good joke.
Why not just shield someone townie first, since bleed takes 2 nights to kill? Or better, bleeding person so they won’t die.

Delaying the bleed by 1 night is most underwhelming use of ability I can think of.

Clearing basing on any of that is stupid.
Not to mention trying to get Light to heal clearly town inflicted bleed.

Can you stop trying to lose the game to false traps and mechanics when I’m not around and focus on reading?

/vote Italy

If half your posts weren’t so whatever I wouldn’t care about you low posting but most of your takes feel more like you reading one post from someone and then deciding their alignment itd help you get trd more

Yes you could say that we both are w who rolled Mage but the odds of that are so low + the fact Fire Mage isnt useful as scum apart from the fact that yes 2 scum fire mage can “self confirm” but then its at the risk of confirming other townies so really even if we’re both scum it doesnt make sense for us to do that

Also its not like we could be faking Fire Mage because the game has no feedback, it was said in the modpost

P sure they never claimed what kind of healer they are so it could just be them being Priest


Not sure I’m following your logic mech wise especially since scum has multiple shots

Kinda funny for you to say that when it really looks like you arent trying at all, you come into thread half assing a post not even talking about stuff such the d1 vote + the lack of n1 death like honestly you’re the underwhelming slot and at this point I really think you aren’t an actual MS player and more off an actual troll lol

What have I subbed into? I said something similar when I subbed into starting Assassin back in SFoL 60, but I have really big shoes to fill here.

Seth, my buddy, my pal, I would have been there right with you pushing Alice if I didn’t sub into this slot, but I am not a wolf this game. Claiming is a bad idea, but I can assure you that I am not a wolf

I subbed into this slot before the night ended

Hello Gorta, have you read the whole thread?

Also, hi everyone, I need some breakfast, but I will be here in a bit

skimmed it and I got the main idea

no gorta signature wall post right now, but I do have quite a bit of strain on me right now

They did. Discipline priest.
Aka they delayed a bleed by one day on someone who was medicore enough anyway.

And why would I discuss n1 death instaed of my reads?

Sure, roleblocked, bllutproof, doctors, bleeders, a slot with noone in it and another who forgot a night action.

That definetly dolesn’t allow me to decide why kill failed and who is guilty due to it.
Calling me underwhelming cause I skip something which brings nothing is a joke.

It can be T/W easily too.

Want me to explain it more?
Noone. Literally noone is asking you same questions about visitng Alice as went Mode way.
Everyone just accepts it.

And since it was known that Alice is banned and it makes no sense to track empty slot, why would there be any sense in watching it?

Who kills or targets an empty slot to begin with?
So if people ask Mode about it and ignoer you, I want to ask you - why would you watch a slot who noone will most likely target?

I’m not buying that as mechanical confirmation.

Weird target
Weird coincidence
Too much pressure that it confirms you.

On a sidenote - I’m slightly sorry that Alice was banned, but tbh it is suprisingly easy to dig any dirt on them.
Noone can tell me I wasn’t right about it now.

Alice was only banned for the rest of the day and Alice dying N1 as town is like such a tradition that even if there’s people who are more obv town her being visited is much more likely I didnt visit say anyone else because Id have to bet on the LW NK that is to say a 1/14 chance of finding them


Your unique read you made today is reaching pretty far because if you think I’m town still and Italy is scum that means Italy an Alliance Mage chose to actually go Fire Mage for who knows what reason

Either re evaluate my slot because of my action or you’re confident Italy chose Fire Mage when Italy isn’t the greatest scum player out there and he wouldve probably gone arcane game


zz yes

Why would I reevaluate anything?

I voted person who was pushing “oh, we are so town, we went more townie option, please town read us”.

I don’t think this mage chosing fire buisness is in AI.
However someone hard pushing that it means enough to lock clear someone, is a red light in my books.

Have you ever lost a game due to cop checking godfather or something simlar?
How did godfather behave after the check?
Were they openly pushing agenda and focusing only on “I am confirmed becouse [mechanics]”?

I did play game like this, multiple times. And from my PoV I see focus on “I am town cause [mechanics]” from Italy side and willingness to risk, out and “confirm” self as scummy move.

I townread person who saw Chuck, exactly becouse they decided to not out.

Alright, yesterday was garbage, and App flipping town here is making me re-assess my reads here on several people.

Ami - That last vote from her yesterday makes her look really bad here tbh. She could have voted Chuck wagon at EoD, but she voted the person who was scumreading her. Slot looks much worse, i had it at null, but Shes up there in the PoE due to this.

Chuck - The one who lived through the rand. Still more null, would like to see more from this slot. if Ami flips scum, this slot looks pretty bad tbh. Its in the PoE for sure.

Also, EoD VC there was actually fucking garbage, and having like 6 votes on 4 vanity wagons is just bad from town there.

Centuries - Geniune confusion at EoD makes this slot look better tbh. Chance Wolf could fake that, but i believe W!centuries would have been pushing for either slots more tbh there. Chuck flipping town makes this slot look slightly worse, but atm, Centuries is quite towny in my eyes, and unless their play degrades significantly this day, slot is in a good spot.

Alice`s Slot - This one is rather hard to tell for me imo. Her behaviour yesterday and tone jumped from towny to wolfy at certain points, and that last vote on Frankie isnt the worst thing in the world. Her heavy push on Light and Seth are noteworthy, along with her thoughts on Italy tbh. Slots a scumlean atm, and is in the PoE. App doesnt change much thoughts on this slot tbh.

Italy: he posted more, but still has not provided much tbh. In the PoE still, really depends on how they act during the day.

Frankie: Slot is weird to me, and a little hard to read, but thats because i have never played with them before. They were on the Chuck wagon at EoD. Slot has had both good and bad posts, and it`s similar to Alice and Seth, where its a slight scumlean atm.

Seth: Posts were all over the place last day tonally and content wise. as with Frankie, Chuck and Alice`s slot, its a slight scumlean and in the PoE. Similar to Italy, depends on how the day goes where to really stand on this slot.

CRich: Slot is town in my eyes. At times bad logic is used from this slot, but nothing really agenda pushy or overall scummy. Claims to be Bled, i belive it tbh. Most likely a wolf Bled here (ha, get it, cause Worgen).

Light: Slot has decent thought process, but reads weren`t the best. Behaviour and tonal shifts were apparent. I dont think W!Light would vote someone that his team bled there. Decent Equity of this being the Superpower here, but i digress. Slight townlean atm.

Nappy: Town. Not much to say. There is no agenda being pushed here. His RT was bad, but nothing wolfy. Highest Townread atm.

Chloe: Initial push on Nappy didnt look the best, re-evaluated the slot and her iso of him looked better. Claimed to be bled which was confirmed by 10 posts daily. Townlean atm, similar to Light, there is a solid Superpower equity on this slot atm.

SDA: Did a reaction test, said people were town and scum, and hasnt contributed much. Slot has done nothing this game tbh, and its still in the PoE imo.

10 Posts Daily: Claimed to have bled Chloe. Has provided some content, but is rather uncooperative to town. Chloe may be re-evaluated depending on what he flips (Orc or Worgen).

Leafia: Leafia`s vote being on a vanity wagon EoD is a little noteworthy tbh. She seems to have had her own natural thought process, but has had a couple jumps in Logic. Similar to Italy and Seth, depends on how the day goes of where to exactly put this slot.

Overall thoughts here.

Atm, Ami is my highest scumread after that vote on App yesterday. right after that Seth, Alice, and Frankie are afterwards as scumleans.

Nappy/CRich are towny as fuck and should not be lynched unless there is mech info on them to take into consideration. Centuries and Light are Townleans, and depending on how the day goes, could go up or down.

/Jettison Ami

Will be busy today, ill try to be online when i can.

It was impossible to not out that information

We’re going in circles, your reasoning could work but you’re playing way too textbook for me to believe you, Italy is a lazy player who is just a perma LHF and you have to deal with it, not everyone here is trying as much as others, if you believe your read to be true feel free to push it later on, Italy isnt our d2 lynch, I have no control on whether or not someone poisons this slot but I strongly believe him to be town