[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

But there is little reason for him to lie when his visit is literally out in the open!

Objectively, it’s better if you just out your info now. There’s no reason to hide it if you plan on claiming it later today.

I feel like youre saying things that are too big-brain for me to understand

You realize that if you are a wolf faking this, there are also wolf healers, right? Your bleed self-resolve claim doesn’t apply.

Right now you’re claiming mech info that you refuse to reveal only after Chuck claims his visit. If you claim afterwards, your follow could have been faked.

If you are town, it’s your job to make yourself look like town. The advantages to outting your info afterwards are minimal as there is already mech info on Chuck yet if you claim now, we can confirm whether you really did use an investigative ability on Chuck

if gorta isn’t the superpower that means there’s a lolwolf that bled the passive self healer
and nobody here is actually lolwolf enough to do that

Okay fine tell you what:

@Chuck don’t out your info yet
@Chloe don’t out your info either

I want to get a few things cleared up first and then I’ll decide what the best course of action is hopefully in the latter part of the day.

Thread is dead…

For now:
/vote @Blizer

Check my first post after SoD today as for why I’m voting you.

Kinda weird how Chloe so fine with self-resolving when they literally say they have mech info which could possibly clear themselves…

Objectively it’s better for Chloe to wait for Chuck to claim because we don’t know who Chuck visited or who else was targeted by a fire mage.

That’s not how it works.

Just suppose Chuck is a wolf. If he lies about who he visits then he’s outted by the Fire Mage. The Fire Mage is more likely to be a villager than a wolf, as one, there are better specializations to choose from, and two, even if this is a W/W play, it would obviously be a play for towncred and Chuck wouldn’t lie here, rather instead they would likely use the mech info to support themselves being a townie.

With that in mind, it’s more likely that the Fire Mage targets a townread as one; those are the ones who are attacked more often and two; you can catch other classes on there.

Italy and Centuries visited Alice and FMed each other.

I don’t find it likely that this Fire Mage and Chuck are both wolves so Chuck has no reason to lie about his claim unless the plan was specifically for free towncred.

We don’t need more mech info on Chuck. We could use mech info for Chloe though.

We don’t need any info on Chloe because she literally self resolves tonight by bleeding out.

Also, Chloe’s info could be anything.

For the entire game she’s been like “let me self-resolve” without even trying to convince us shes town. She’s one of the hyperposters and wasn’t even scumread like Ami was in FoL28 so I find it a bit strange how she doesn’t care about a heal at all

I looked at the classcards and the class check and follow are the ones that make the most sense.

I want to see if Chloe has legitimate info or not and her refusal to share it isn’t helping her case.

She said she’d share it after Chuck claims and will definitely share it before EoD.

So? We have enough mech info on Chuck already. Like Chuck can be proven.

I don’t get what’s so hard about this. Chuck will claim. He will claim truthfully because it doesn’t make sense otherwise because then he’s openwolfing.

Chloes claim is doubtful and this is about Chloe. If she really has mech info she can prove she got it legitimately.

It’s not about Chuck. We needn’t worry about Chuck. It’s about Chloe and proving if she actually has something or not.

No. It’s Chuck we need to worry about because he’s not 100% proven. Chloe’s alignment will be proven 100% tomorrow either way. Even if he tells the truth which he might not because the third fire mage could possibly be scum, it doesn’t confirm him as town. Right now I’m trying to figure out whether or not you truly believe what you’re saying about Chloe and Chuck.

I’ve explained a scenario where Chuck and the Fire Mage are W/W and I’ve explained why it still doesn’t make sense to lie then.

The fact that Chloe outted she had mech info to begin with also will prompt a wolf Chuck to claim truthfully.

Just because something doesn’t make sense doesn’t mean someone won’t do it.

Okay let’s fucking entertain that the Chuck and Fire Mage are W/W.

Tell me, what’s the point of that play? Why would the FM out a visit on Chuck? The only explanation is towncred, therefore the info would be likely legitimate.

This is considering that the FM decides to go the Fire specialization in the first place which is obviously a town sided set.

Honestly, I don’t want to go down the route where we have a minuscule chance of catching Chuck in a lie when 1. We already have mech info on them and 2. Chloe can prove she checked Chuck if the just outs the info before Chuck outs his

Legit the only argument that is being made for Chloe not revealing her info is that oh I could catch Chuck lying when there are so many reasons why that might not turn out to be the case

It doesn’t matter if Chloe proves anything or not because she’s bleeding out tonight. So we’ll know whether or not she’s telling the truth 100% tonight. I will say one thing about you though, you feel as if you genuinely believe in what you say, so you’re probably a V regardless of how this turns out.