[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Actually wait

Frankie question, did you talk to App at All?

I find it likely that you could just be superpower, who was using that as a way to try to clear yourself, and conveniently not having to do the post-game thing.

I do not like bets, like chloe said, they are close to trust tells and those are dissallowed!

I did! We had a chat last night.


What did he say?

That is kind of a broad question. We mostly had a back-and-forth talking about reads!

Also frankie are you in dead chat rn as well?


What were aps reads?

I am not!

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can you tell us what his reads were and why?

Okay i was boutta say

Undead kinda OP if so lmfao

Kyo just told me Blackout kick would make both Superpower abilities fail. Back to maybw Derps used Berserk ability to occupy me so it failed

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He said that he liked chloe, because of the EoD wagons. He thought that chuck was likely town from End of Day 1 wagonomics. He also stated that he did not think vulgard was town, and that his reasoning for chloe felt more like a justification to wagon her and not a real case.

He also said He thought all 3 fire Mages were town!

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apprentice is my only supporter

and hes dead

thats a fuckin feelsbadman

theres also the possibility that you were targeted by a blackout kick from groupscum? idk what the priority is for that?

Whoever puts it in first goes first.


Frankie, am I acting townie or not? Make up your mind about that. The superpower doesn’t know who their allies are and so would be far closer to their townmeta than scummeta and Mode killing Vulgard makes even less sense if I’m the LW. In fact, you have a higher chance of being scum than I do right now because as groupscum, you could’ve discussed this with Seth and planned this out to frame me as scum by making me look bad. You were juast hoping the LW would be smart enough to pick up on it and kill you N2 so that you’d flip as an undead, but you knew that even if you died unflipped, then you’d be a confirmed town in the eyes odf everyone since you died while you had the abilities of the undead since you’re really a worgen. In fact, you faked that scumslip just to make me look bad when I inevitably helped call you out on it. You knew that getting Seth lynched would make you the prime candidate for the LW to kill either way. Nice try, but it didn’t work. It might’ve actually convinced me if you hadn’t started pushing me today though, because when Seth flipped wolf, I actually started to think that you were just mistaken about me.

I still have another occupy btw. I probably won’t use it today, as I don’t expect to die tonight with my passive, and I’d like to keep it for when PoE is smaller, if we need it

But i’ll leave some room for wifom
I might use it i might not :^)

As much as you’re still pushing the idea that I could be groupscum against all available evidence against it, I think you’re just a misguided villager at this point, so I trust you at least a bit right now and I’m honestly glad that you survived last night. I’m not 100% sure about you being town, but you have my support for now.

Maybe. Not sure why I’d be the target though

This is directed towards Chloe by the way.