[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)


I still want to believe in a 10 lynch because I’d feel too dumb if we live in a 10 Chloe scum world

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Look at my scum games and tell me that isn’t t!me. I’ve never once given up as scum and giving up in my situation isn’t necessarily scum AI. You’ll do everything you can to make me look scummy, won’t you? You and Frankie. You’ve been on my back since EoD2 trying time me.


even i tried the DARNDEST i ever could i wouldnt be able to find a game of t you


I feel like Leaf will give us more information to analyse than 10. Leaving 10 alive will give us nothing.

Okay, I hardclaim Orc (i can bleed one person) let me handle leafia tomorrow

You guys would tend to agree me and Leafia isn’t the GS right

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I’m never the lynch today Mole. What have I done this game that’s scummy in the slightest that I wouldn’t do as town. Nothing. This is also the first time you’ve seen town!Leaf, so you don’t know what I’m like as town.


Bleeding me tomorrow is another way to prove that I’m goblin, so there’s that. Although it’ll be a waste of a bleed.

I’ll have to double check something though. I’m almost certain that today is my first use of rocket boots but I’m not 100% positive. Only 95% sure and I want to doublecheck.

I double checked and as it turns out I’m glad that I did, because I was wrong about my rocket jump usage. I had forgotten that I used rocket jump at the beginning of D2. I can’t remember why I did so and I had completely forgotten about it with everything that’s going on. I really need to check to make sure before I say something, so bleeding me tomorrow will just kill us both Centuries.



dear god

I’m also.finding it pretty likely that we’re misclearing someone here.

I don’t care to look at your scum games tbh.
A. I was SCUM WITH YOU IN ONE OF THEM. Like bruh ofc i remember how you acted.
B. You have zero towngames for comparison

There is no point using meta if there isnt an example from both major alignments, and i think you know this

We dont
We could live in a 10 scum world
But we dont live in a chloe scum world

If meta is your strongest argument, and you HAVE no townmeta
Youre not doing a great job of being townie this game

You’re doing everything yourself
I’m just good at pointing things out :^)

Am kinda okay with this
But that also means it takes longer for Leafia to die, and if she is LW, we have no more occs, just blinks
So i kinda just… wanna jettison her? If not today then tomorrow

Wish you used your bleed yesterday :upside_down_face:

Did you really

Now you guys see what im saying?

oH sHiT i FoRGoT aBouT my AbILiTy tHaT i WaS aSkED aBouT MulTipLe tImES!!!

Yeah i’m fine with your life being discontinued

You sealed your own fate

Who are we misclearing in your opinion?

if I had used it yesterday it wouldve been on like

not her or 10 so…

Eh i just think extending the inevitable is kinda annoying


i can go the other way around if you want but

i dont 100% trust you

like if someone is able to really deepwolf there its kinda you