[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

No. I’m not the one that’s twisting my words around and how do you know that this isn’t my town meta? It obviously isn’t my wolf meta. That much should be clear to you. You’re definitely scum here. No doubt about it. If you don’t know what my town meta is, then you can’t say I’m 100% wolf here. You sealed your own fate. Bleed Chloe tomorrow Centuries.

I’ll swap to 10

But we’re at L-2 if i do
Then again
Scum would be stupid to quickhammer

Leafia can you explain why you are on 10?

Easy. Because I’m pretty sure that he’s scum.

Leafia at the end of the day yesterday you ISO’d me and concluded that I’m town who is simply wrong about you

You asked others to check the ISO and agree with you

And now im suddenly the scummiest player alive?
You sure you dont have a bad case of OMGUS?

Stop asking people to metaread you if you have no known townmeta


I love that you cant even kill me tonight even if you wanted to, and you are LW

I’ll be on your case till my last breath :^)

OMGUS is NAI for me and you’ve kept up the pressure, not bothering to even try and look back to see if I really am scum. I honestly don’t know what to think about you any more.

omgus’ing the main person pushing you is like

a fucking towntell here almost lmao


nah i refuse


If you wanna use meta like shes asking us to? She did this in her scumgames

Juss sayin

Seth even said it at the beginning of Insurgency.

like whole game you’ve just been like

parotting what someone else was saying and never taking a push by yourself

the only 2 isos youve done is like

seth iso which by the end you were sure he was town

and chloe iso

Ive looked back
So many times?

My case on you isnt JUST about today or some shit?

Wrong. I’ve been making reads and pushing people on my own this game. You even mentioned it once or twice.

if making reads is something i should tr you for

then lol

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So? What’s your point? I also did a Frankie ISO as well as how does Vulgard’s death make sense if I’m scum? Answer that.

like legit if i was scum this game

id just have done the most basic reads ever

and distance myself from scum while still interacting

im not trying to have too high of an expectation but

still most of your reads are just either baseless or consensus

I barely have the energy left to point out all the scummy things leafia has done this game

Explain this to me, leafia
Why did you rocket jump d2? And why did you lie about it? I dont believe you forgot

So if you didnt forget, i’m giving you an out rn to say why you lied

Not true at all and you know it.