[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Sure. Would you mind starting with yourself?

I would mind.

Considering you are main suspect right now, not me.

Well I was trying to self resolve my slot on you, yet Napoleon healed you.
Sadly it didn’t happen so that you wouldn’t waste time on me.

I asked for alla ctions.

N1 - Vamp Blood 10 Posts/Eevee
N2 - Gorefiend’s Grasp Vulgard
N3 - Gorefiend’s Grasp Chloe
N4 - Vampiric Blood Eevee.

Now I’ve provided my night actions, do you still mind providing yours?

Well there are two wolves left. I doubt I’m the only one you suspect here.
Who else is in your PoE?

Well, maybe you should propose your own logic

Did you get any night results?

Anyway make sure your PoE is updated when I flip town.
I would have preferred to have died at night so you don’t waste the day flipping me.

Even more chaos.

Yesterday it was a godo call to ignore it and focus on Leafia.
Today I’m less sure of that.

Nah, probably should just ignore mechancs again and just lynch scum.

If CRichard really attacked someone who was counterwagon to LW, signaled LW, was voting on this counterwagon and despite all that still thinks that it’s logical…

This is just outed wolf tbh.

Cool what’s stopping you? You won’t like my flip but hey up to you.

6 v 2 after I flip. I can still win from the grave. :sunglasses:

Then explain why was you voting counterwagon to outed wolf, signaled them and even after that tried to kill person leading the cuddle on them?

Like, I don’t really think you are that bad to outright ignore everything?

You won’t believe a word I say anyway. Just don’t black list me once you see my flip.
I mean you’re a Mod right?

You don’t even try to explain?

You didn’t try to listen what people want to say yesterday earlier either?

I seem to remember I’ve been using the words self resolve a lot this game.
Perhaps I’ve been boring you to sleep with them.

Why? I’m done with this game and I knew it was garbage once it was re randed.

Put me to L-1 and I’ll self hammer. I can’t be bothered playing this game.

If only there was no healer this game.
Then I’d be in dead chat already which should be better than wasting my time here.