[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Did you see what I randed as 1st time eevee?

See I think I’ve signed up for too many games. I’d rather play one game at a time. I wouldn’t mind being black listed after this game. Eevee you can do the honors after I flip :slight_smile: .

I know I’m in PoE, so my death will be doing the town a favor while they can focus on other slots and not waste time on mine. That is not gamethrowing.

This is not self-resolve.
This would be killing 2 townies at once.

With a role which is not aligment indicative either.

If you think you will suicide on me, what’s the point of self resolving in the first place?

But like… you even admit you thought I’m town here.

Why tf did you try to kill me then?

So the town doesn’t waste their time arguing if I should be jettisoned or not.
This isn’t my game though I can win from the grave.

Except I’ve had you in my PoE for a while. Incorrect I haven’t thought you were town for a long time.

You’re a mod right Eevee. If you’re kind enough to black list me, you’re free to do so.

Then if you think I’m scum, you wouldn’t suicide.

It’s still lacking logic.

Breaking news: People make mistakes. I can be mistakenly thinking you’re scum which is why I’m trying to find out by resolving your slot and mine.

I don’t know what Napoleon is playing at not letting me resolve my slot once and for all.
Just black list me once this is over Eevee. You’re doing me a favor here.

I mean, he is trying to not let person who caught strongest scum role die?

And stop asking for a blacklist.

Why not?

Cause it’s scummy tbh.

Really? I thought that was NAI.

I can’t wait to hear about all the scum who have asked for it.

im contemplating if this is fake or legit AtE rn tbh

No like…

If you are scum, noone will be able to blacklist you anyway, cause you plaied to own wincon.
So it’s heavy ATE, instead of trying to convince people.

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Blizer you’re here to see our friendly chat.

So you’ve never seen town do this?
No personal problems in real life?