[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

the average iq here is not the best to say the least
and tbh im the mainr eason that average is as low as it is

I just like to use them. It gives my posts flair!

why should i believe this is a normal thing?

because people have different typing styles

i usually go all lower case and no actual grammar

you better show some respect to towngod Napoleon because if you are town, I’m gonna fucking carry your ass, and if youre scum, you’re making yourself look bad by insulting my ability to carry town.

Do you have any early reads yet?

btw most of this was pre-planned lol

I just wanted to act cocky lol!


Have you not read my posts? Unless I was in a particularly bad mood, I imagine i’ve been using these bad boys liberally.

Personally, I think it’s silly to read somebody off of their typing style, like Ami said. I’m not very good at detecting jokes but I sure hope you are joking.

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Which are…?

I have found that scum are more likely to use “!” than they are not.

shooting nappy n1

nope im not telling you rn

They call me Greedy but I’m like nah fam. I’m just a Horder


was this pun pre-planned?


Lemme Read up