[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

I think that’s downright ridiculous! I’ve played for a long time and I have not found that to be true. If that’s the case, then I don’t think I’ve ever been town :sweat_smile:.

i am slightly sad that my slot rolled scum before rerand and i rolled town here

scum is fun

lol i seriously doubt you have analyzed text patterns like i have

/vote Napoleon

welcome to wonderland
we’re all mad here

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Getting slight town pings from Alice and Napoleon this game.
Frankie’s entrance is a little interesting, though I’ve never seen how he plays before.


if this is because im not giving you my reads rn then you still aren’t getting them until i feel like it

You’re reminding me of when you were good King in SFoL 61.5. That’s what I’m thinking of.

Ok there’s not much note worthy things yet.
But the one thing I will bring up is @Alice still has their vote on someone who has arrived and is yet to take their vote away from them.
So I’ll keep an eye out to see if Alice switch’s vote or for some reason actually makes a scum case on them.

…it’s RVS.

why are you posting so much

are you okay ami

/vote CRichard

Maybe Alice knows Frankie

you are trying to pocket me and i dont like it

And I shall wait to see where your next vote is.

the fuck is rvs

:man_shrugging: Who knows at this point?

then dont reply to my post you fool

I brought Chuck into this game.
I hope he’s not scum or we’ll all be fucked.