[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Starting

out there
is a troll who ventures to random forums and hardcarries games while memeing so hard nobody would ever take their reads seriously

Fairly new to FM yesā€¦ have played some Town of Salem so Iā€™m not unfamiliar with the concept but by no means an expert.

to some
he is a god
but to us
he is dybu dabu


Gonna make max 10 posts daily, gl gl.



Lmao nice


/informed spec
Would rather not multitab 3 things

thatā€™s 5 too many


make a towncore
donā€™t put town in the towncore
lynch outside of the towncore


Game has filled. Donā€™t talk here; Night 0 has started and Iā€™m distributing cards now. You canā€™t do anything except pick specializations and do other pre-game stuff. Itā€™ll last for 24h


I shouldnā€™t forget to /vote Geyde harder.

Oh yeah, Alliance randed as scum faction btw.


Yep haha

oh sorry

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Youā€™re not supposed to talk!

Please do not talk in this thread unless you are inning, outting, speccing, or backing up.

No conversations
Or I jettison you

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You didnt put me on specs list, but make me informed.

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Game is being reranded.


@Chloe Can I invite you to every classcard so you can delete them

Also this was the spreadsheet

Players Alignment Race Class
Alice Horde Undead Warrior
ModeShifter Horde Troll Mage
SirDerpsAlot Horde Orc Death Knight
chloe Horde Undead Rogue
Blizer Horde Blood Elf Rogue
Apprentice Alliance Dwarf Priest
oB_L1ght Horde Tauren Monk
Leafia Horde Orc Hunter
Frankie Horde Tauren Priest
rigormortis Alliance Worgen (Troll) Warrior
Centuries Alliance Gnome Warlock
Italy Horde Goblin Rogue
CRichard564 Alliance Superpower Night Elf Druid
Chuck Horde Troll Druid
Napoleon Horde Goblin Death Knight
10_posts_daily Horde Tauren Warrior

If anybody wanted to know

i was scum no why no pelase noo

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