[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Doesn’t she just parrot you for a reasoning?

Like for example

Not really, I think Chloe’s V for other reasons than tone and my townlean on Frankie is for his reaction rather than tone.

She parrots other people’s words a lot from her past 2 scumgames


I made that reads towards you, not Chloe.

Oh wrong quote

Wait I may have missread

We have mostly just tone to go by this early d1.

True. I agree

Maybe I been over sr’ing her this time

I have an extremely weird tinfoil regarding Chloe, tbh.

No idea why a villager would ask this question, tbfh.

Thinking there’s a fair chance that Chloe is the superpower and was trying to test if Napoleon was groupscum or not.

Would probably ask for tracks/roleblocks on her tonight.

Italy hasn’t been active this game.
/vote Italy boom bye scoom.

I wouldn’t mind wagoning Italy if only for wagonomics.
Any takers?

Chloe if you’ve got something to say, don’t hesitate.
We’re not going to bite.

come at me

Its not just the RT that pinged me the wrong way. In fact, I didn’t like him before I was even told it was an RT, as seen below:

In fact, part of the reason I dislike this slot is because hes acting very similarly to how I did in Insurgency. Like he knew he did something dumb, which was his random push on Frankie, and his “im the town hardcarry” shenanigans, and he claimed it was an RT as a get-out-of-jail-free card. I think if it were an RT, like he says, and he planned on doing it no matter what, as he says, he would… at least come up with a stronger RT that could… ya know… provide some insight?

I don’t have any mechanics to go off of. I don’t have any flips to go off of. Its true that I dislike his tone and content - but i’ve said more than just that one sentence - i don’t like being cherrypicked ):<

I don’t disagree with you here. But keep in mind what Alice (and I) said about meta can come from any alignment. It’s almost equivalent to saying “guys don’t quickhammer this early into the day” - its kinda just common sense and not AI imho

like this. this shit is common sense. also seth is kinda talking to nobody in particular. kinda seems like saying shit just to look like hes providing content. will check up on this later

TIL taking a stance is scummy ):<
guess i’ll hedge till the end

what’s funny is i almost feel this exact same way about you on my slot. but i can probably chalk most of that up to OMGUS

come at me

I’ve already said that I don’t remember like, any of the games I’ve played with you, minus one. And I kinda wanna keep it that way. I don’t want “meta” to cloud my judgement.

Ye it’s possible he could be LHF, but I don’t think so. Needless to say, the game has gone on for what… 4 hours? Out 48? I don’t have to rescind immediately. I’ve got all the time in the world - and I don’t see much that makes me want to change my mind yet :woman_shrugging:

half joke
half truth

i dont wanna be sheeped (shept? fuck if i know) because
A. I could very well be wrong, then its my damn fault if we lose. Pressure wont help me think well
B. People need to provide their own content

Disregarding the mention of CFM2, I can see where you’re coming from. I disagree with your belief that mafia wouldn’t plan this far forward, cuz i dont think it was planned at all lmfao. As i said earlier, “RT” can be a get-out-of-jail-free card. Almost equivalent to claiming self-resolving, but not quite the same level

Honestly didn’t think about the fact that this could implicate me as the superpower.
I asked this question as a non-FoL form of “what groupscum do you think rolled? unseen or cult?” - like you would ask to the starting king - and was hoping for a concrete answer. Depending on what the superpower ends up being, it could be a bad look for him if he “guessed” correctly. His lack of response irked me, as it seemed like a cop-out. Hard to be held to it if you don’t give an actual answer :upside_down_face:

Needless to say, I’m fine with tracks or offensives on me. From my pov its kinda a waste of abils (especially if they’re limited in charges), but at least it’ll make you happier about my slot

getting in bed

mobile chloe is coming (:<

italy is asleep

and tbh hes been more active than i’d expect from scum!italy
hes one of the very few people i am using meta as a reasoning on.

you’re one as well - unless you magically got better over a week or so
which i guess is possible but eh?

realized this could sound offensive

i mean better at fitting-in as wolf

Well there is magic in WoW.
If you think I’m a wolf, do you think I’m group scum or lone wolf?