[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

Which one?

I don’t care what the wolf thinks

I’m going to make Alice commit die



/vote Blizer

[quote=“Napoleon, post:518, topic:82340, full:true”]
Now that my mind is fresh, I want to make a proper explanation to my actions. People still don’t seem to fully grasp this even when I came back to look again. Here we go:

Napoleon! Your entrance sounded fake!

This argument doesn’t hold. For one, I admitted that I had this pre-planned. Two, I’m not naturally a cocky player, I admit there are better players than me like Alice. Third, though I’m not sure if this impacted it, but it was the end of the night and I felt a bit more tired. This is not a good reason to scumread me.

Napoleon! Your tone feels off!

Oh yes, of course. My tone was “off” and therefore I must be wolf. Rokugan, RM4 are both examples of this where I was incorrectly scumread for having a “bad” tone… Stop it… Not all of my villager games are identical and my approach can change based on a lot of factors. Look at my motivations, in Community, it was clear that I was a wolf trying to look town by doing RTs and not using them for anything (that was my worst wolf game, I’ve performed much better as a wolf in other games), but that’s the idea.

How I usually approach games are:

  • If I’m town, I try and go into early conflicts to take out reactions - like in SFoL 61.5, to formulate reads (Me vs. CRichard D1)
  • If I’m scum, I try and make myself look town. I usually do this by attempting to mimic my town behavior, so it’s your job to figure out which is which. With that said, I’ll show you what my solving has looked like as town so far:

Napoleon! Your RTs didn’t do anything!

Yes it did. I made conclusions make on this. Frankie was unaware it was an RT and I baited a good reaction out of him as he was the one with the most pressure. And while a few said that “I did RT and didn’t do anything with the results”. Yes I did .

[quote=“Napoleon, post:91, topic:82340”]

[quote=“Napoleon, post:541, topic:82340, full:true”]
Also my alice wallpost is ready:

Here it is:


Especially the “paranoia is genuine” one. She’s indirectly shading me because I said “Stop pocketing me” to CRich after he slight TL me. Instead of waiting for more of CRich’s reaction, she steps in here.

[quote=“Alice, post:245, topic:82340”]

Alone, I don’t think this could be inherently scummy, but either way it’s a misrepresentation of what happened.

What happened is:

Alice liked CRichard’s tone based off everything up to this post:

Now, everything I used to read about CRichard happened before this post.

There’s a difference, because CRichard actually posts more game-related content

By the way, Alice only starts to change her stance on me a little bit after this post.

I think it’s noteworthy though, that a wolf convincing another wolf to switch targets seems less likely. I don’t think this is a W/W interaction. Alice changed course after Centuries convinced her to, I feel like W/W, Alice would be more adamant to show a level of distancing.

But interactions aside, I don’t like how Alice only reconsiders after Centuries comes out to defend me.

This comes afterwards.

This is Alice admitting that my RT actually did something. BTW, her accusation is that I did an RT and did nothing with it, which is false.

This readlist feels a bit inconsistent. She began by saying that “Ami and CRich” are good and they ended up on the top of the readslist. This is why I suspect that it might be pocketing. Also, she hasn’t really done anything with the Centuries and Napoleon interaction and I think based on her posts the Nap/Centuries ranking is way too harsh to the point of inconsistency.

For those of you are not familiar, Alice pockets a few people (in Community she did Leafia/App, in RM4, she tried pocketing Arete & Seth (Seth wasn’t a hard pocket tbh tho, it was more justifiable)), and shades people to turn them into LHF. Here’s what she did in RM4.


These posts particuarly stand out to me as town from him.

I dont think this type of thought process would come from a wolf, and his behaviour and tone feel pretty towny to me.

Would like a more specific explanation here.

What is this good reason?

No one really interacted with him besides you who just said “hi” to him. In SFoL61.5, he was directly engaged by Arete. But that’s beside the point:

I know you, as a wolf, would go for a CRich/Leafia pocket. The fact that you made a stance when he only made one game-related post is :eyes:.

He had made a defense of me even by the time you made this vote.

Worded this a bit poorly, meant “I feel like if W/W”.

Regardless, that wasn’t supposed to be the focus on the post.

lol okay

I’ll reword this.

Napoleon feels “kinda isolated”, “Napoleon’s response isn’t that bad”. Ends up third scum.

Centuries “your logic makes sense”. Turns out second scum read.

Still feel like that it’s inconsistent. Again, your CRich thing was hasty.

Okay so you didn’t try and pocket Seth and Arete in RM4? Or Leafia/App in Community? Explain how this is different. What I see here is a premature read (especially on CRich), and you typically don’t do these until there’s more content from certain players.

The approach where you took to TR people like CRich is questionable. Your shade on me is questionable - you literally know my meta and it feels like you’re playing dumb when it comes to some of my actions.

I’m not even going to try reading this

Because all of your pushes this match felt like it was done in bad faith.

The CRich one was terrible.

The one on Frankie can be a RT, so I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt.

And the pocketing case on me is ridiculous as anyone who’s ever played with me knows that my townplay focuses on building a towncore early in the game.

My stance was that his tone looks fine. This isn’t really a strong pocketing stance.

My vote was previously on Mode.

By the time I made that readlist like half the thread didn’t post.

Yes, I pocketed them, but I make TRs early in every game I play. See FoL28 which just ended and I built a significantly large towncore from the get-go. This isn’t pocketing, it’s just my playstyle.


if you actually read the posts, you can see why i town read him.

Look at it like this, Nap does his bad RT out of the gate, his plan was to generate discussion and to see not only the person he targeted her (Frankie), but how others react to his push on him.

afterwards, he gets peoples reactions, and he comes to his conclusion (which is Frankie being a V!lean from his beahviour towards the RT)

He scumreads both you and Chloe for your reactions towards it, and he explains and points out the logic behind his RT.

Nap also put the spotlight on himself by doing that play, Wolfs usually try to coast d1 and push agenda, which is something that lacks from his posts from my perspective.

His behaviour towards his own reaction test, to people reacting towards, and the conclusion of it, plus how he did it does not come from a wolf.

Alice scoooom

also cause i know hes up


get your ass in here and read the thread.

Hello, my wonderful kitties! I think that Centuries’s posting has improved greatly, and the same with Napoleon! I no longer wish to vote for him. I agree with Alice with her point on Chloe, that “reaction test” was nowhere near enough to justify the push that you put on Napoleon.

It’s very possible that he is just a townie who did not read OP! I always read it carefully, but I know some of my friends don’t do it all the time. Saying he is your top mafia read for that does not sit right with me. It’s possible chloe is simply in a tunnel, and trying to justify that tunnel as Town, but as of right now I think there’s a very good chance that it is just agenda.

/vote chloe

She did say this, and I will be waiting, but for now, my vote will stay here!


My stance still holds:

So why do you think this is wolfy? You know I’ve done things like this before, what was different?

I have a few errands to run but will check in later! I’m spending a lot of my time just reading the thread, because you all pump out posts like a machine. I will give a big catch-up post when i’m done!

Yeah, I can see why.

It’s just that his entire reads here just feel like they’re done in complete bad faith.

Yes, because you’ve been making bad push after bad push.

Why are they bad pushes?