[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Alliance Victory (2/16)

goooood morning campers!

in my experience, ties go to mafia. not sure how this site does it though.

I told you guys my reads aren’t super strong, so I’d rather not lock in a specific jet this early in the day. currently if I had to say, I’d say it’s chloe and italy, from POE and because their interactions look as real as my “gf from another school”. but since I don’t know any of you I can’t be sure about that, or tell things like if Italy actually just doesn’t care or if they’re being aloof since they’re scared of slipping.

i’m not sure what nappy did or didn’t do but i’m town. feel free to grill me or whatever

also @KyoDaz sure i’m down for a longer day

You think Italy is scum? Why?

  1. process of elimination - as I explained about half a day ago I think you and Blizer both feel the towniest to me at this very moment
  2. they’re the only person not gamesolving

i’m sure there are a lot of mechanics at play, but i’m just ignoring them and hoping they don’t matter because I don’t get them and have no one to explain them or the different claims to me so I’m just kinda yoloing life rn lmao

Can you explain your Blizer townread?

this was my initial reasoning. again though, i’m reading everything and will jump on anything I see, positive or negative :joy:

Eh fuck it

I’m outting what I have

I used my last mark on muki last night, and saw him visit Italy.

I was also linked by Mole, and immediately gave him my results. We planned on waiting for spew, but muki seems to be in anti-spew mode since hes the consensus jettison today.

mole i would love your help deciphering what muki said recently because im really bad at looking for spew

So this is bullshit.

Nappy’s slot is a wolf.

This also makes Mole clear.

For Nappy/Mole to be a scumteam, that means they purposely bled a troll over… literally anyone else, that could have ended game last night with a 2v2.

Thats probably the worst play a scumteam could make, so I’m clearing Mole.

This narrows team down to Nappy/Blizer or Nappy/Italy. Either he healed his scumbud, or he healed Italy to frame him, and Blizer is scumbud.

I’m socially leaning Blizer V. But meta says Italy V too. So I’m in a little uh


Which means I will have to re-read a lot of shit.


Italy on a vanity wagon (ended up being a townflip) - Blizer on a town wagon - along with Napoleon.

d1 is whatever
I’m also on a townwagon

Blizer on Leafia, but Leafia was obviously not going to be the jettison that day, as we didnt want close wagons so I could occ the counterwagon. Could be for towncred? Dunno. I’ll have to check his reasoning but this looks alright for him tbh.

Italy isnt on anyone - and thats frustrating as fuck.

Both are on the LW. Blizer looks better here as it was before the poem shit (but i still think Leafia woulda died that day lmfao). Also, Italy allowed Leafia to selfhammer and end day - which is exactly what I was trying to avoid.

Going to ignore the CRich votecount since we kinda all fucked up there. But might wanna read through that day to see if anything seemed like agena

VCA points to Italy W over Blizer

I fucked up the vca quote shit but you get the idea

I likely die tonight as i have a watcher - unless i can be occ’d or somethin’

So keep this shit in mind

And listen to Mole - hes cleared from my flip.
Also do not snapvote.

I dont think extending day will do too much btw lmao

Tomorrow is 4th of july and the americans will likely all be busy drinkin’ beer n shootin’ guns


I asked him not to visit Italy last night lol.

Do you just wanna lynch him here?


I do
I have 100% certainty hes scum with his claim to have no-actioned

Which is part of the reason why i didnt out it immediately

But you can ask mole - i gave him my results at SoD

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do you just wanna vote out Nappys slot here?

I kinda wanna wait until EoD because I wanna re-read a few things and talk to mole about them, since one of us dies tonight 100%

Idk how much time i have to talk
I gotta drive a lot today

i also wanna die tonight so i dont inevitably lose this for us by voting the wrong person

I thought you had used all your marks @Chloe

She marked n1 and n3.

Claimed to have trip wired every night till n6

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she trip wired Vul n2

trip wired Cents n4 failed though

trip wired nappy n5

Maybe I misunderstood my messege let me double check

Yeah I misremembered

@muki you are called a liar by Chloe. Defend yourself

@Italy chloe has evidence that you are scum. Defend yourself

We r in the towncore… hmmm