[Standard] WoW:BfA v1.1 - Voting Thread



Accused Voters Votes
PokemonKidRyan Blizer, eevee 2/5

/Yeet PKR

/vote PKR I have to go soon and likely won’t be back before the EoD


Accused Voters Votes
PokemonKidRyan Blizer, eevee, Moleland, an_gorta_pratai 4/5

Final EoD5 Votecount

Accused Voters Votes
PokemonKidRyan Blizer, eevee, Moleland, an_gorta_pratai 4/5
1 Like

PokemonKidRyan has been JETTISONED.


Time is Money (Passive) - Any of your abilities that are unsuccessful will instead be delayed by one day/night.
Rocket Jump (Day) - Avoid all day abilities that would have affected you today. - 2 uses
Ensure that all of the Alliance are eliminated.

Death Knight

Blood, Frost or Unholy

Gorefiend’s Grasp (Night) - Redirect all players targeting your target to you. - Infinite uses
Vampiric Blood (Night) - Drain a player’s blood, healing you. If you use this a second time on the same player they will die however you will not be healed. You will suicide if you kill a member of your faction. - 3 uses

The night falls and will end on 2020-07-01T02:20:00Z. Please submit an action by then. If all actions are submitted, I will end the night early.

/vote napoleon

/Vote no lynch


was looking for threads to meet ppl in and FOUND THIS lmaooo

uhhhh thx everyone for telling me this was a thing (sarcasm)

/vote no jet

/vote no-jettison

gimme gold name



Accused Voters Votes
No Jettison Moleland, muki, Chloe 3/4

/vote no vote

Final EoD6 Votecount

Accused Voters Votes
No Jettison Moleland, muki, Chloe, an_gorta_pratai 4/4

Lady Gaga hasn’t been JETTISONED.

… I said she hasn’t been jettisoned. Suppose you can have a fanmade-flip. Non-canon.


Divine (Passive) - You are immune to bleeding and death at night.
Sine From Above (Day) - Call upon the Host to reveal you as Lady Gaga. - 1 uses
Ensure all players that emit prejudice are eliminated.

Divine Warrior

Judgement, Penance or Templar

Smite (Night) - Smite a player. If they’re a member of the uninformed majority, they can’t die to any means. If they’re a member of the informed minority, strongman kill them. - Infinite uses
Divine Calling (Night) - Occupy all players tonight. - 3 uses

The night falls and will end on 2020-07-03T00:00:00Z. Please submit an action by then. If all actions are submitted, I will end the night early.


/vote Muki

/jettison muki


Accused Voters Votes
muki Blizer, Chloe 2/3

/vote chloe (forget how to do bold on mobile oop)