[Suggestion] Add a confirmation box prior to Item Shop Transaction

Greetings Imperium42 and Boslof:

To begin thanks for bring this game to the stream market. For the time I’ve committed to Throne of Lies so far, I’ve overall enjoyed the experience. I had multiple pieces of feedback but wasn’t sure if a single thread would be best or multiple threads with each item. For now I’ll create a separate thread for each item. Also I apologize if I miss any information as this is my first post on the forums. Below is an idea, though not sure if its a solid one, or how high on the priority list this would be.

Premise: As a ToL player, I would like to be presented with a confirmation box prior to committing to an Item Shop transaction.

Acceptance Criteria:
*Action occurs on the “Customize Item Shop screen” for the “Weapons” and “Armor” section (does not apply to the “My Char” section)
*After the user clicks any “Buy Now (gp)” button, the user is provided with a confirmation window
*Confirmation window has some text asking the ToL player if they are sure they want to complete the transaction
*Canceling the action on this confirmation window will cause the confirmation window to disappear and the gold associated to the item is not retracted from the user’s account
*Confirming the action will establish the normal flow of operations to complete the transaction of acquiring the item.

Additional Notes:
*The main reason I’m requesting this is that possible others may have done what I did and purchased an item by accidentally clicking on the “Buy Now (gp)” and I’m not sure if there is a route in game to reverse the transaction (which I don’t believe there is). I don’t mind having the item I purchased (the Abaddon Axe) but I was hoping to get a VoidStone of Corax or one of the Halloween outfits.

Thank you to anyone that takes the time to read this. Happy deceiving :).

I must agree with you regarding the “Confirmation” Need.
Thank you for pointing that out!! :blush: Sorry to hear that you purchased some wrong item :frowning:
But! Play on! and, Lie to your fullest. and win lots of games. That = lots of gold :3