Out of all the roles that Blue Dragon has that are Kill capable at night, Hunter is the only one that is lenient towards bad playing.
With Prince, Execute the wrong guy and you can no longer Execute. With Knight, Cold Steel a friendly and you will kill yourself. Fair enough, both balanced, IMO.
But Hunter? Wolf the wrong guy and, oh hey, you still got one more to kill someone with. This is so permissive to trolling and awful gameplay it’s kind of unreal.
I believe this role needs to be tweaked before it really becomes a problem with trolls. Perhaps a simple tweak to make the Wolf actually check if someone is BD or not before it attacks?
If they’re BD, the Wolf will abstain and the Hunter will get notified of that while still losing a use of that skill. If their target is Neutral/Unseen/Cult however, The Wolf will act as it does now and attack.
This gives Hunter slightly more utility by being able to either verify someone as BD or killing someone who isn’t. The result you get depends on players better judgement, rather than “lel lemme kill this guy… whoops.”