The Guardian
Blue Dragon Support
Passive (Shielded) - Immune to Bleeding and Nightshade.
Day Ability (Ready to Help) - Make a player Immune to Negative Effects(Frame, Mindwarp , Reap, Nightshade, Bleeding, Conversion, Occupation & Redirection).(1 Use - Can NOT Target The King or yourself. This effect wears off after 1 night.)
Night Ability (Step In) - Redirect all negative effects targeting a player. The Redirected Effects will go to the player that used them.(Infinite Uses)
Goal: Defeat The Unseen/The Cult and any Neutrals that seek you harm.Converts into:
The Warden
Unseen Support
Passive (Shielded) - Immune to Bleeding and Nightshade.
Day Ability (Ready to “Help”) - Make a player weak to Negative Effects(Frame, Mindwarp , Reap, Nightshade, Bleeding, Conversion, Occupation & Redirection - Frame/Mindwarp/Conversion/Occupation & Redirection can not be barrier’d by The Court Wizard , Nightshade/Bleeding can no longer be healed).(1 Use - Can NOT target The King or yourself. This effect wears off after 1 night.)
Night Ability (Watchful) - Prevents all players from visiting The Assassin and The Assassin’s target.(1 Use)
Night Ability (Do It Yourself) - Kill The Assassin’s target instead of them.(1 Use - You will become Immune to Occupation and Redirection. The Observer will see you visiting the target)
Goal: Defeat The Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that seek you harm.
The Dragon
Neutral Support
Passive (Iron Skin) - Immune to Death at Night.
Passive (Monster) - The Court Wizard’s Empower does not have any effect on you.Night Ability (Fire Breath) - Guard a player’s room. Anyone visiting them will die and will have their logs deleted.(2 Uses)
Night Ability (Monster Eyes) - Disable a player’s day abilities tomorrow.(Infinite Uses)
Goal: Survive.
The Mortician
Blue Dragon Support
Passive (The Truth) - Upon death , your true class and logs will be revealed.(Bypasses Defile and Facelift)
Day Ability (Identify) - Get a dead player’s real class.(3 Uses)
Day Ability (Clarity) - Make a player Immune to Death tonight.(1 Use)Night Ability (Dead’s Call) - Get a player’s feedback from Night 1 until Death.(Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (Dead’s Recall) - Target a living player and a dead player. All actions against the living player will be redirected to the dead player.(2 Uses - Can NOT Target yourself or The King ~ Bypassess Redirection Immunity)
Goal: Defeat The Unseen/The Cult and any Neutrals that seek you harm.Converts into:
The Undertaker
Unseen Support
Day Ability (Facelift) - If you die , you will appear as the chosen class.(Infinite Uses)
Day Ability (Empower for The Unseen) - Empower an Unseen member tonight.(1 Use - The Assassin’s attack can not be healed | The Mastermind’s next conversion will be guaranteed)Night Ability (Expertise) - All players visiting The Assassin will be occupied.(2 Uses ~ Bypasses Occupation Immunity)
Night Ability (Revenge) - Kill a player that accused you of treason.(1 Use)
Goal: Defeat The Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that seek you harm.