[Survivor] KyoDaz Confessional

Hello, KyoDaz!

This is your confessional, you submit scores, votes, confessionals, and any questions you may have about the game

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Hello there hen. How are you doing?

lmfao. You wanted it closed later and Eevee opened it and when you said that you would keep it open to chat Eevee went and shut it again.
I can’t stop laughing. Help.


Opens due to not closing it for a day, common and slight error.
‘Don’t post, slight error on the timing.’
‘Alright guys to be nice I’ll let you chat amongst yourselves I guess.’

So my plan is to first manipulate Marshal inti getting into an Alliance with me.
I’ll pretend to be a newbie.
I’m actually going to go all Kelly Wentworth on them all.

Right he’s on the other team, not good.

It’s only 5 minutes in and I’m already trying to blindside people. lol

So I’ve decided Hippo and Poisoned are in an alliance and I’m going to try and blindside poisoned.
Magnus is with me until the end. I made them promise.
Magnus is trying to get Simon on our side.
I’ve decided Hippo and Poisoned need to go ASAP.

Why have you decided Hippo and Poisoned need to go?

They seem to be close together in an Alliance and we can’t risk them going against me.

I’ve also decided to try and persuade Hippo to make a 3man chat with me and poisoned.

I’m just agreeing with people even if I don’t agree with them just to get brownie points. Woo.

I don’t really care about what Simon has to say, not really looking to blindside or make an alliance yet but I’m going to question him to see where his loyalty lies.

“Yes Simon, I’m totally new to survivor so I won’t be lying a lot. It’s 100% best if we team up with Magnus. I didn’t pass your test because I asked Magnus what they had been saying in your chat, haha no.”

He’s blindside + manipulation potential.
Kelly Wentworth inbound.

Do I need to inv you to 3 man chats?

just me, dat is optional

a flashback to what Kai Probst said

3+ is not 3_>

British notation, biach

idc just add me

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Right so I’m in two three people alliances

(Poisoned, Hippo, Me)
(Magnus, Simon, Me)

I’ve lied to Simon. I’m trying to orchestrate a blindside on Poisoned.