[Survivor] KyoDaz Confessional

Production can disclose if you find the answer to the idol once it’s been found you are told it’s been found

I see. That makes sense.
You must have not hid it somewhere really hard to find since the clues you’ve given us so far only hint to us being idiots.

follow up to this.

quoting counts as screenshots, i’m aware it can be faked but i’m not playing that game.

you are free to paraphrase however

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screenshots are ok in confessional

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Am I fine to use quotation marks instead of forum quoting word for word?

when referring to quote i mean forum quote

Nctam Zmyc Smzn

Not an unscramble.
Not an alphabet reverse.
Not roman numerals.
Z is obviously not a common letter in the english alphabet and it appears twice. It may be foreign which points towards a place.

Can’t really think of anything else.

I think M is most likely E if it’s just a case of decipher the message. E is the most common letter in the english dictionary and therefore will have the most appearances in ciphered text. Then again, that’s a bit too complicated for this. I doubt we’d be running around like headless chickens trying to decipher a random cipher.

The first word cannot decipher to Unseen as Unseen has two of the same letters and all letters in the first 5 letter word are unique. I think counting the tribes out of that message is a good idea.

I originally thought the Xlbv+Ekwem was mathematics as you used + instead of and (which is why I had the roman numeral theory).

Something that condradicts that is the fact there are capitals at the start of each word which points towards it most likely being English. British mathematic notation anyway mostly uses lowercase letters if I’m not mistaken.

Why do each tribe have induvidual clues though? Surely that isn’t for nothing.
I think we need information that hasn’t been revealed yet to find this first idol.

Do we do the puzzle now? :open_mouth:

yep, and vote for a tribe leader

Myself. Myself immediately.

To fit the theme of the tiara I shall use the name Lady Dawn Roseberry.

I have absolutely none of the skills to be tribe leader I just want more power.


We’re allowed to keep retrying the puzzle right?

yep, you may submit as much as youd like

Good. I’m able to vote nobody as tribe leader right?
An extra vote on someone other than me is an extra vote against me.

You must make a vote

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Right. I vote Magnus.