[Survivor] KyoDaz Confessional

I’m so sad. I can’t believe I lost. I tried so hard as well. It’s unbelievable. Literally.

I knew Eevee was bad news. Why would PKR send them over there if they weren’t an ally? They could just setup PMs. I thought of all of this beforehand as well.
Why did I not create that failsafe? Oh my lord. I’m so stupid.
Hey. At least I kept Magnus in the game with my idol. I put it to good use.

The moment of disbelief. I did some absolutely horrible things.

LMFAO That is brilliant.
My propaganda was the best thing this game ever created.

I mean, I’m pretty sure they’ll still be voting me as Tribe Leader even after I’m voted out my propaganda was that influencial.

Can we publicise my confessional after the game please?

We will def do all tribals public post season and the most iconic confessionals post game

I think I should win first prize for that one if you ask me.

I tried to manipulate 10 people? Really? I didn’t think it was that much.
I had huge information regarding the idols. I found one. Literally. I knew eevee most likely had one I just didn’t put a failsafe in place when I should have.
That was my downfall. Failsafes. Heh.

I also did think about people talking amongst themselves I just thought you people weren’t doing very much and was inactive considering I flooded 3/4 of every single chat I was in.

What’s the catch for this season?

The twist is the observer stuff

Oh. So the thing that got me voted off. Right.


Well there is an observer mechanic in Edge of Extinction. SURELYYY that means there is a second chance
I’ll stop pleading for a second chance. gg

We here at Production would like to let you know that you made one of the most interesting first votes and were a fan favorite. Ratings were high

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I hate RI and EoE, kinda ruins the whole torch motif

Unfortunately my flame is like a relighting candle. It doesn’t go out until it’s submerged in water.

Better be considering the blindside that happened on me. I was talking about how I was going to be Kelly Wentworth. But noooo.

literally i will admit that is one of the craziest first votes ive seen in an org

You playing your idol in the spur of the moment as icing on the already amazing cake

Even if I played the idol for myself I was going next tribal. Even if I got merged after I was going as well.